Oh Brother (12)

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"Now tell me, what's going on?" Dominic ask as we got to the school.

I explain from how I got to the school and till when I was in the Alphas office. he rolls his eyes shaking his head when I tell h what Derek and I drew on the wall.

"Come on." Dominic got me out the car. "Lets rest."

"That's it?" I mumble leaning into him.

"Yup." He whispered warping his arms around me.

I feel the pain again making me gasp as I squeeze my eyes tight. I feel myself get lifted off the ground.

"Just sleep. You really need your rest." Dominic's voice ring to my ears. He sounded angry so I just and drifted from reality.


"Aw shit! Deja, you missed it!!" I open my eyes to a frantic Kasey.

I glance to my windows to see that it's early in the morning. the sun hadn't yet Rosen so it's probably about 5.


"That Alpha of yours fought your mate." she exclaimed.

"Shit." I hope out of bed and the cold of the morning gave me goosebumps on my exposed skin. I run to the living room to see Charlie pampering to William bruises. I wanted to rip her away, but that wouldn't change nothing.

I see Dominic and Derek in the kitchen. Derek seem to be talking to him but his face explained it all. He wasn't taking shit, he ain't hearing shit.

"What happened?" I ask rubbing my arms to keep myself warm the best I could.

"Why don't you ask you boy toy" William sneered.

"Who is he talking to like that?" Dominic jumped over the counter trudging towards William but I stopped him. "Deja, get his ass before I do because this time I ain't fucking giving him mercy."

"Why the second time?" I rolled my eyes and glared at William. "That 'toy' is my brother. Twins. that's gross. You're gross for even thinking that shit. if you're fucking her to get back at me, then so fucking be it, but don't fuck with me. Tell me what's going to happen, because I ain't playing fucking games."

I got into my room closing the door slipping on sweat pants and I pull over sweater walking out the door slamming the door.

"Deja." Dominic grabs me as I bury my face into his shirt. "Wanna know something?"

"What?" I mumble.

"This is the first time ever, I've seen you cry" he blurts.

I slap his chest smiling a little. "First and last."

"Good. I don't want to see my baby cry." he pulled me away from him wiping my tears and sighing. "I don't know what's up with that guy, but he'll soon grow up and see the damage he did." I nod as he pulls me back in. "I just hope he doesn't see until it's too late."

"Me too" I whispered. More to myself than anyone else.


"Okay, you guys have two minutes to run the the mile." Derek announces loudly. Dominic and I were racing. The school had a track out back and this is where a lot of people hang out. some people were watching, some even started cheering for either me or Dominic.

"Alpha, you ready?" Derek ask. He was so loud, it made me laugh.

"Ready to kick ass" He smirked at me.

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