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         The wind blew softly, creating a rustling of the leaves. Black shadows echoed in the sky's midnight pattern, the stars creating a luminescence of lights along with the dimly lit street lights. If you dared to venture outside, you'd find the pizza guys delivering the delicious edible to many on that street craved around 10pm, and if you were a regular night walker, you'd know the high school students' cars by license plates. Matt drove the black truck, always leaving around five and returning around 10:37-ish. Jen was the dark green car you'd yearn to wash. She didn't get home till 3am, wasted from her underage drinking episode. There were many others, as in Phil, Russel, Jake, and Katie, but it doesn't really matter about them.

       Cross over to the other side of town. There's the flashing city life up in a bustle, moving to-and-fro as if there is no night. Patrol officers stroll there religiously, business men rushing from their officies, and alcoholics are just beginning on one of there many bing-ing states. Everything is normal in Cheswire.

Except for the run-down car that just crossed into the city limits.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2014 ⏰

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