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There is something I want the world to know. I know not everyone will read this or care, but I need to say this:

You might have hurt me, broke me and abandoned me and worst but something kept me going. And that was my friends and family who believe in me and never judge me on my past, but on who I was as a person.

So to the people who called me names, to the people who beat me up I say thank you. If it wasn't for you I would have never learned how to fix a shattered heart, I would never have met my the people I call friends.

To the outcast, loners, the oddballs and freaks. I see people with the biggest hearts and who have faced death himself and walked away with only a couple of scratches because no ones perfect.

Some of us might be lonely, but we have the biggest hearts. Some of us might be sad, but we smiled the brightest and some of us are damaging beyond the point of repair but we are the wiser for it. All because we won't let the people close to us go thought the hell we did.

Life is a game we all fight demons, but some of us have been fighting long, harder and on complete different levels to others so why do people judge us on our appearance, our size, our clothes or how much money we make before they get to see our personality, our heart. Do we not all bleed if we are shot, do we not matter or is it because you hide behind a mask.

So doesn't kick people down without knowing what they have been through. Some of us have been through wars before we turn are adults, some of us have had dreams smashed before they could fly and some of us think of death as a friend waiting for them with open arms at the end of their life.

Why, because no one gave them a chance. No one gave them hope or something to fight and love for.

So will you give them hope will you give them love will you give them the determination to live again before it's too late before they pull the trigger or tie the rope or take that pill.

Because the prettiest smile can hide the darkest past, the prettiest eye can shed the most tears and the prettiest hearts can feel the most pain. Because the worst thing in the world is not being alone it being surrounded by people who make you feel alone. No ones perfect, so let's stop trying to be.

So next time you are making fun out of someone for the way they look or what they wear think about what wars they could be fighting or have fought because one comment too many can lead to death. Think about others before yourself because sometimes having a friend can save them before it's too late.

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