Piano Man

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"There all done" Rick said as he laid down the last plate. "Cool, salads almost done. Can you start up the Barbecue?" she asked putting the lids on the salads. “sure, be outside if you need me" "I think you need me more than I need you in this situation" she said as she closed the fridge and followed him outside.

 As Rick was cleaning the Barbeque Kate sat there reading the morning paper aloud so he could hear. As every page was finished being read Rick stole it of Kate and used it to scrub the barbeque.  Before long he was done.  He went inside and opened the fridge just as he heard a knock on the door.  He shut it and yelled out to Kate “Kate they’re hear”.  As Kate made her way inside Rick went over to answer the door. Kevin and Jenny came in carrying chickpea salad, followed by Javier and Lanie with a large fish wrapped in foil. Behind them came Gates and her husband. They had bought, what looks like a mud cake.  This is surely going to be a great afternoon.

 “No, you were!” Espo shouts across the table towards Castle. They have been debating whether Rick was into Kate first or the other way around. This debate has been going on since the morning of Beckett stepping on a bomb. As Castle tries to defend his honor, Victoria taps  on the side of her wine glass “I would like to make a toast” As Gates began to stand up and clear her throat the whole table yelled out words of encouragement whilst Castle and Beckett gave each other worried looks. “I have only known you both for a short time but it has been great to get to know you both. Mr Castle you are very annoying most of the time you also have one of the kindest hearts and you Detective Beckett you don’t listen sometimes but that is because of how dedicated you are to bringing justice to the city and if you could the world. I feel that with the mixture of your child like behavior Castle and your serious attitude it is no mystery why you both are the perfect couple for one another. Here’s to CASKETT” Gates shouts as she raises her glass in the air.  “Thank you Victoria, I try to tame him more and more every day” Kate replies as she pats Rick on the head as if he is her pet.

 After dinner they all gather around the piano as Javier plays the tune to the piano man. “This one’s for Roy” Espo says as he plays. Rick recognizes it straight away and breaks into song. “It’s nine o’clock on a Saturday” Rick sings as the others join in. “So sing us a song you’re the piano man, sing us a song tonight” They all sang as Esposito and Martha played the tune on the piano. They all sung and talked into the morning till Gates announced that he had better leave. “Come on Captain, why’d you have too leave?” Ryan asked as he danced with Jenny. “Some of us have to be back at work tomorrow’ she said as she thanked everyone and then Gates and her husband left. Close to an hour after they left everyone said their goodbyes and left. Martha, Alexis and Pi made their way upstairs to sleep which left Rick and Kate alone.

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