Maybe - 2

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"So how are you liking Greece?" Basti asked Iris to break the silence.

The only thing they had said to each other since she arrived to the rooftop for dinner was "Hi." Basti was starting to think that she was bipolar because one minute she was nice to him, the next she was trying not to gouge his eyes out.

She swallowed the bite of couscous and nodded her head, "Ang ganda dito... it's hard not to like it here."

Basti was watching her, taking a sip of beer from the bottle.

"Iris... why won't you look at me?"

Iris swallowed the lump on her throat. She had talked to Kelly earlier, who was doing her training in London and had given Iris a bit of news.

She finally looked up at Basti and he saw the redness in her eyes, almost bloodshot.

"Oh my God! Iris! Are you okay?"

He scooted closer to put an arm out for her, but she swatted his arm away.

"Did you know?"

He looked up at her with concern and confusion, the latter being prevalent because she sounded like she was accusing him again.


He really had no clue and Iris looked to search his eyes for the truth. Dissatisfied with her findings, she slumped back down and put a hand for the waiter to come to their table.

"Mía býra parakaló." / "One beer please."

The silence between them stayed until the waiter came back with Iris' drink. Basti was trying to think of what could have possibly happened and if he had anything to do with it.

"Eímai apogoitevménos." / "I'm frustrated."

Basti smiled at Iris speaking Greek. Her Filipino accent was still prominent and he couldn't help but think how cute it sounded. She looked up to see him smiling and got mad.

"Why are you laughing at me?" her face returning to the normal scowl Basti got used to seeing on Iris' face.

He shook his head, still with a smile, "I'm not laughing. I just think you sound cute when you speak Greek."

Iris felt her cheeks flush and looked back down at her food, hoping he wouldn't notice. Basti saw her demeanor change and decided to press her further for the issue, thinking maybe he could help.

"So why are you frustrated?" returning to eat his food.

She sighed and took her beer for another swig, "Have you talked to Ali recently?"

"No, why?"

"I talked to Kelly and she said Ali topped all his programs...." she said, moving her food around on the plate now.

Basti put his utensils back down and tried to find the emotion in her face, but she still had her head hung. "And that's a bad thing why?"

"She was saying that if he keeps up the pace, there's a good chance he gets offered France to do his OJT..." finally deciding that she couldn't stomach anymore food because she didn't have it in her.

Basti chuckled, everything finally clicking in his head. "So you're happy because he's successful, but you're sad because that means he won't want to come here if he gets offered France?"

Iris nodded her head, confirming what Basti had said. "It's just that... that was the plan right? We all agreed on it? Otherwise I wouldn't have done my OJT here. Ali was so set on Greece ever since you became friends, so this is where he wanted to go. This is where he planned to go with me. Now that I'm here, I don't know. I mean, yes.. I'm happy for him. He deserves it since he worked hard for it. But I can't help but feel like the universe is trying to keep us apart... or that Ali's trying to stay away from me on purpose."

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