Chapter one

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Walking down the footpath just to get to this party Raven wanted me to go to, even though I don't wanna go to it!
Oh didn't see you reading my or we could say our life story which is in a book separated from the real world behind a small screen!

I'm (YN)! Or you're (YN) and well.
We're currently Eighteen living the boss like with our amazing parents.
So as I was saying Raven (who is our best girlfriend!) invited me to this random party that she was invited to.

I was going to knock but then some one opened the door before my knuckles even made contact with the smooth smooth looking wooden door.
"Hay Dude! Haven't seen you around but narley to see you could make it!" A tall and fit athletic boy said.

He looked like a surf hippy, I can relate!
He moved aside I walked in and nodded my head at him and walked away.
I kept looking around for Raven and finally found her being harassed by a boy.

She saw me and I put my finger to my lips telling her to shush!
She keeps acting like she hates it but she know what I'm gonna do.
I walk behind the boy and tab his shoulder.

"Hay bad boy~" he turned around and looked at me smirking, due to all the exercise I got I had a pretty fit body my self.
I walked up to him and put my hands on his shoulders, he then put his on my hips and I went to his ear and whispered to him.

"Sorry Bub~" then I kneed him in the crotch and left with Raven, he started laughing her ass off and high fives me, 
"Man! I really need to learn how to do that some day" she cried wiping a tear away from her eye.

We laughed some more and went out to the back were it wasn't as crowed Raven left to get us some drinks, now at this time in a cliché story the friend would leave and a guy would come up to the left friend.

And AS I said that a guy who was about a head taller, brunette hair and shinning Teal eyes walked up to me, CALLED IT!
"Hay" he said putting his hands in his pockets. I stared at his hands in his pockets and randomly blurted out.
"Why do guys always have bigger pockets than girls?"

He stared for a while than answered.
" I'm not really sure, what type of surf brand you use? That's if you surf!" I grin and cross my arms.

"I use Ripcurl for a matter of fact and fuck yes I go surfing! Who DOSNT?!" I said in a sassy voice, Raven finally came back with our drinks and all three of us became friends.

Turns out that guys name was Mark and he would surf daily, at the end of the party he gave us his number and we all walked down separate footpaths.

Once I got home I flopped onto my bed and put my hands over my eyes groaning.
I decided that I would call Mark and Raven to see if they both got home all in one peace.

I called Raven and she got home in one.
Then I called Mark and it took a while for him to answer the call but ehh, I have patience!
He picked up and it sounded much MUCH deeper than what marks voice sounded like.

"Hey, Mark! It's (YN) juuuust wanted to know if you got home in one peace!" I laughed at the end and there was then a sigh.
"Look if you're just another fan girl who's reached my number please don't call me again because I've had to change my number numerous time, thanks for understanding!" Then before they could hand up I shouted "WAIT! Mark, if this is a sick prank you play on people it's not a good one!" I say angrily.

"Wait, you-you're not a fan girl?" The guy asked.

"No and Mark seriously stop playing around, did you make it home in one peace?"

"Look (YN) was it? I don't know what you're talking about and who's Mark?"

I growl in frustration and hang up throwing my phone onto my pillow and lay down once again.
Jesus only known him for a day and he's already playing fucking- my phone L's ringing!

If it's Mark agin I'm gonna kick him in the balls the next time I see him!


"Hi, uhh so I'm not actually Mark, I'm Harry. I'm surprised you don't know me judging all girls know me just by one phone call"

"Look, Harry I know a lot of Harry's, so if I just knew your last name that would be grate!"

"It's styles, I'm Harry Styles-" I instantly hung up on him, Harry styles!? THE ducking Harry Styles!?
What the fuuuuck!? I've known his for so long!

This is NOT okay with me!
Ohh god! What am I gonna do!? I JUST hung up on him! Is he gonna hate me? Does he already hate me? All these endless what's ifs, does's and is's started sliding into my head.

My phone was now ringing, AGAIN! For fucks sake can't you see that in trying to ramble into my self here!?

"Hello? This is (YN)"

"Hey, it's Harry, just wanted to know why-" I hung up on him again...
Why, out of all the people does he keep calling me again!?

This went on for like half an hour then I finally decided to let him talk.

"Hello? This is (YN)"

"Why do you keep hanging up on me? I tougher that all girls wanted to talk to me?"


"(YN)?"  Holy mother of fucking meatballs! Harry styles said my name again...


"Why do you keep hanging up on me?"

"I don't really know, just shocked really"

"Well I know why but there's no need to be shocked"

"Pfffft easy for you to say, Mr. Styles"

"Yah, miss..."

"(Your last name, obviously)"

"Miss (Ln)!"

I laughed and said that I needed to go to bed and that I'd talk to him later.
I hung up again and fall down on my bed I sigh at then I get a Twitter notification,

"@Harry_Styles started following you"

I smile ear to ear and head down to dinner, well grate, now I'm friends with a famous singer in a world wide know boy band named One Direction, who goes by the name... Harry Edward Styles  

Yo it's fucking 2:13 in the fucking morning, the wonderful things I do just for you *laugh* well! I'm off to fucking nap for like 6 hours then movies to watch "True Blue" with my sister and dad then home more things to do Minecraft (don't judge) more chorse then chapters if I get bored

Twelfth of January, Thursday 2017

1158 words

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