introduction/chaper 1

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Hello this is my second book on wattpad, But I didn't like my old one so here is my new one.

DO NOT COPY AND PASTE ANY OF MY STORIES!! But hopefully I get alot of votes on this story, It's really based on my real life so if you don't like my stories thats not my problem im just saying I really dont need the bad comments and I will at least try and update almost every day or every other day!

Just remember that I decided to share my stories on wattpad and I really don't have to because it's my choice. So please comment and vote on my books!!! Just because my story is based on my real life dosen't nessecarly mean i will use other people real names or my real school. Also if you do see another book just like this one please email me at

My name is Ashley I am 16 years old I am in the eleventh grade i also go to Ostarant High School. I live with my mom and my sister Alijah, I know my dad and I still go with him on weekends I just don't live with him. There's a boy name calvin that goes to my school he has a crush on me he always text me but it's like when we are face to face he seems to scared too talk, My best friend is danielle but I call her danni. My other friend name is jacyeon but he's always throwing punches at my arm and calling my name every 5 minutes just too bug me, I don't really mind though he's not my best friend he is just someone I play with but i like his best friend, Keyron but I haven't really told him because i really don't know how his reaction is going to be but i think he already knows.But off to school I shall go so I'll tell you more about myself a little bit later

How was that for my introduction even though i dont think it was all that good.

5 comment + 5 votes = First Chapter

Chapter One: Why Me

Ashley P.O.V

He lifed up my chin and moved in closer I did the same, Before our lips could meet I woke up, "It was just a dream!" I said to myself. I looked over at the time, "7:15 Are you serious!" I yelled as I hopped up from my bed and went into the bathroom. I did my hygiene and other mess I grabbed my bookbag and ran into the kitchen I took a oatmeal bar and ran out to the bus stop where I met up with danni. " Ashley what's wrong you look like you seen a ghost?" she said looking me up and down." Girl I woke up at 7:15 and then I didn't even have time to eat!" I said as we were getting on the bus. Danni sat in the seat behind me as jacob walked up and sat beside me. "Whats up Ashley." He said as he was putting his headphones in I just waved.

The bus came to a stop, I looked up and noticed we were at school. When we got off the bus we went up to the second floor and went too my locker. I looked down the hallway and saw calvin coming my way I tried to look away and act like I was looking for my binder then I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I was so reliefed when I saw loveable, Loveable sounds like a nice girl but think again if you come at her the wrong way, She would become a whole other person. "You ok?" she said looking at me suspicious. "Yeah i'm fine i just thought you were-" She cut me off before i could finish my sentence. "Calvin?" She said looking at me weird, All i could do was shake my head. "Well i gotta get too class." then she walked off. Then i walked to my first bell.

Calvin's P.O.V

I saw Ashley I just was too shy to say hey, I know all yall like you a boy and she just a girl. Well its not really like that, I'm just too shy.

Dainelle P.O.V

"Okay class were first going to start off with.........." I toned out the teacher I get all A's so I think I should take a lil break right now."Pssssssssst!" asia said from behind me. I turned around to see her handing me a note, I took it from her and turned back around too face the front of the class. I opened the note and it said.

Asia - Did you hear about keyron and that knew girl lashae?

My eyes grew real big and i wrote back saying, no. Asia wrote back and said, Well the word got out and they been seeing each other. I turned around to be face to face with her. "Asia are you serious?" I said with fear in my eyes. "As a heart attack," When she said that I just shook my head and faced foward and started on the worksheet Mr.Clint handed out.

Ashley's P.O.V

As I walked out the classroom danni ran up too me. "What's up girl!" i said all excited. "Uhmm nothing much, Quick question who do you have next?" "Mrs.Gonzales, Why?" I said looking at her as if she was hiding something. "Is keyron in that class?!?" She asked looking worried. "Yeah." I said as i started to walk away but bumped into someone's body. "okay danni, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?" i asked now being fustrated at the situation. "I just wanted a hug!" She said holding her arms out i moved her out the way and walked around the corner.When I walked around the corner i saw two people kissing when they pulled away i saw keyron, He looked at me and tried to call my name but i just walked into the bathroom like i didn't hear him. Danni just stood their looking stupid.

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