Chapter 4#

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Chapter 4#

Daniel leads me back to the form room. Today is my last day, and I'll miss it. As we walk in, I see the lights are off, which is weird because we should be in form right now.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yells.I give a smile. I can't seem to do anything else. I can't process anything. I miss my parents and the thought of leaving my friends, to go to another country just upsets me. I give a bigger smile and take a seat where I usually sit and just cry. Brandi,being the good friend she is, manages to get everyone out of the room, taking them into the music room next door. Daniel stays next to me, trying not to cry himself.

"There,all done. I managed to get that stupid teacher to get everyone playing on the keyboard." Brandi tells us. She comes and sits down next to me, while Daniel is on my right.

"Guys,I'm gonna make my goodbye's now. I can't cope anymore knowing that in a couple of hours I'll be gone." I tell them.

"Goodbye's for a bit, we'll see each other soon though."

"Yeah, Delle, we'll see each other soon." Daniel says.

"Okay, here goes. Brandi, we've been friends for five years now, and I'm so glad that we got to do everything together in those five short years. You'll always be in my heart. If it wasn't for Em wanting to go to that party, then we would've never of met. Even though we'll be ten hours away from each other, we'll probably see each other alot, I'll keep popping over to see you." I laugh, tears flowing out of my eyes.

"We'll keep in touch, I promise." Brandi replies. My brain tells me something.

No-one ever stays in touch.

"Daniel, we've always been friends, and I'm so glad we have been. You have no idea how happy I am about that. Everyday we'll act like five year olds, and we don't care. Our friend group has always been close and now I'm gone I won't be able to come to your parties. Whatever you do, don't forget me. Daniel, please, while I'm gone, don't get in trouble. No drugs, just drink only. Promise?"

"Okay. Are we gonna go lessons?" Daniel says, with a smile.

"No, cba with them. I just wanna spend my last few hours in England with you guys."

"I must've known this was gonna happen." Brandi admits.

"What?" Daniel asks.

"I knew we were gonna ditch the lessons after lunch so I brought supplies."

"Oooh what'cha got?"

"Cigs, alcohol and food."

"Sounds like my kind of party." Daniel laughs.

"Same here. Let's ditch, we can go to the classroom that no one uses." I reply.

"Erm. Delle, that room is locked."

"Seriously Brandi, are you that stupid? Why would Delle suggest it unless she has a key?" Daniel asks. Brandi just nods, obviously feeling stupid. We get up and Brandi wipes away the tears that are falling down my face. Brandi carries my bag, while Daniel carries me.

"I bet you're tired after all the crying?"

"No shit Daniel." I say sarcastically. Daniel just laughs, he knows my sarcasm well. Brandi stops outside the classroom that was once used for science, classroom B13. I open it up and we go in. Speculation has it that last year, the first year weirdo's were doing an experiment in their lesson, which turned out wrong, and made a gas, which closed down the school for a week. That was actually true. Now, the room is used for us final year students to use, and a few of us have the key for the room. I was the first to venture in here after the accident, two weeks after. It was fine at first. I'd had sex in here, so it was a perfect secret spot. No teachers, no students and no-one else knows. Perfect sex area.

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