Ethel the Vigilante Granny Part 8

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She was as powerful as Edward and there was nothing he could do to change that. The octahedrons all had a similar layout, tall buildings in the centre flanked by smaller towers. This gave maximum use of space, landscaped gardens were carefully designed between elaborate balconies and walkways. It was possible to walk from the highest tower right to ground level, a safety feature carefully built into the anti-gravity cities. The ribbon like walkways also allowed a measure of privacy for the privileged children and teenagers to wander around. Powered scooters were popular but this made the cities feel curiously small. Much like the old University campuses, they felt large at first sight but were actually very small to live on for a lifetime.

Nobody expected teenagers not to visit the land dwellers and the middle classes so a security force had to be developed but this security force was based entirely on monitoring people's movements and they were woefully unprepared for true police work, or so Jessica's personal computer told her. She was still not sure if it was truly sentient but it was always correct. People could never be trusted but the machine was impartial. As a leader of 80 million people Jessica appreciated its input for that reason.

As she walked back to her shuttle Jessica began to regret her choice of clothing.She was wearing a blue dress with purple flowers. She believed it would irritate Edward and whilst his opinion didn't really matter people generally were very shallow and easily influenced by appearances. As the Flying cities were now on a war setting she would have to consider changing her look. Most adult men of the flying cities were wearing suits that wouldn't have looked out of place in the 1950s, harking back to an earlier, more ideal age when values were clear and people's worldly status and income were worn like badges of honour. Jessica personally believed one could take the effort to emulate a beautiful period in history to ridiculous lengths. She considered adopting a 1920s wardrobe, elegant, but sticking to dark colours to acknowledge the wounded and the dead. She wanted to fit in but still retain her own sense of who she was.

Jessica was pleased that her own security adviser had chosen to buck the fashion trend. He wore synthetic weatherproof trousers with big pockets, a blue shirt, a heavy military waistcoat with even more pockets and a dark blue raincoat on top. He made heavy clanking noises as he walked which may Jessica wonder how much equipment he was carrying. With modern technology he could probably defeat thousands of enemies. But this wasn't much good if you didn't know who the enemies were. "You looking to start a war?"

"I believe the war may have already begun. And I merely wish to be prepared. I serve at your pleasure, ma'am, we've already been caught out once."

"Thankyou. That's sweet. What is your take on all of this?" He hesitated when they reached the hangar area. Senior flying city-dwellers were allowed to launch from the topside of the octahedrons. Everyone else had to leave from hangers located inside the lower half of the pyramid type structure. The brown green camouflage shuttle sat in an open-air area protected by an armoured wall which was designed to protect the residents from freak weather whenever the launch bay doors were opened. But it was not a truly secure place so Jessica waited until they were on board."Is Edward a problem?" She said, once the hatch clamped shut behind them."He hates you. You represent everything he hates."

"We both uphold the end of history. Fixed roles for everyone society except for a favoured few. Safety for everyone. Whatever do you mean?"

"He doesn't like your plays. He thinks you are glorifying the lifestyles of the underclass by putting on performances explaining their behaviour. He sees you're somebody who takes delight in examining quaint cultures such as the welfare towns or the gangs of old Earth."

"He does know I'm using my art to show the folly of the old social norms though, doesn't he? How we destroyed religious identity, gang identity and sectarianism. Now everybody is united in their envy of the rulers in the flying cities and so all crime is stopped."

"That's not necessarily true."

"But we restricted their access to goods and services and to travel. By stopping the aspirations of the middle classes we made it possible for everyone to appreciate their life without worrying for the future. And since nobody has to work for material goods anymore there is no poverty when people become ill."

"We've cured illness. But we have reports that say our system cannot endure." "Then after I have inspected damaged octahedrons I will investigate the culture of the underclasses. I've just committed myself to leading a security investigation. Might as well make it a cultural survey at the same time. This will be so much fun."

"You're going to write a new play, aren't you?"

"Maybe one or two. There's a lot to get ready. I'd better tell my friends."Jessica's security chief sent an order to the men in Black manufacturing plant and ordered tour buses and flying caravans. He told the machine where he was going to which the machine suggested he add multiple redundant shields. And guns. Lots of guns. The security chief concurred.

"Fly me to the damaged octahedron. I need to show solidarity with the other side of my culture."

"As you wish my lady."

"Please darling, call me Jessica. We're all upper-class together here."

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