Chapter One

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He needs to grow up. Like now. What type of friggin' 14-year-old cries like a fucking toddler? 

"Reality check: You are FOURTEEN!"

"I know; I know," he whines.

"Damn it, stop with that whining!"

I hear a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I ask in my most neighborly, but arrogant tone, just 'cause I'm rich.

"Does it matter?"

I'd know that voice anywhere. Akari Kazuke. 

"Just come in, and stop acting like the badass you wish you were," I say to Akari.

"Wish I was? I am The Badass."

Tanji interrupts our fight, "How about this, neither of you have bad asses. In fact, I think both of your asses are perfectly fine, and I wouldn't mind--"

I slap him in the face. "Bruh. You suck at this, so just stop." He whimpers in a fake tone, trying to get me to apologize. I just smile and open the door for Akari. 

"Now what the hell do you want?"

"I came to tell you about something. I think there's something big happening. Like right now," she says.

I've been thinking about what's been going on lately. Everyone's sick. Neat freaks. Poor people. Rich people. Dirty people. Not me, not my family, not my friends. Just everybody who I don't know. Yeah.

"What is it?"

Akari moved closer to me to whisper, "I think there's a plague."

"A plague?"

"Yes, and rumors say that it was created by the government, and they were trying to harness it to control us."

"To make us do what they want, because we'd be scared for our lives."


"I know what you guys are talking about: me and my sexiness!" Tanji said.

I knocked him once on the head. "Your name wasn't uttered once in this conversation."

He suddenly burst out in laughter. "Haha! Utter."

"Grow the fuck up."

"Shut the fuck up," he countered.

"Shut can't go up unless you're playing Minecraft."

"Damn you."

"Yeah, sure," I said.

"Are we gonna prepare for this, or what?" Tanji asked.

"You actually heard about the plague, too?"

"Why the hell do you think I slid my ass down your driveway? To see how fast it would freeze?"

I joked, "I do recall you saying that."

"Damn it, grab your guns. Grab your food. Get your tampons! Everything you ladies need, and I'll get my stuff."


He chuckled nervously, before Akari punched him in the stomach. "You got some seriously perverted problems, Tanji."

"I know. Now let's get them, shall we?"

I sighed, "Luger. AK47. HK-93. Thompson M1SB. Franchi Law-12. Anything else?"

"Nope, I think I'll stick with your current list of illegal guns," Akari said. Tanji laughed. He grabbed a handgun, mainly because I did not trust him with rifles. Akari and I grabbed two rifles each. 

"Do you girls want me to die out there?"

"Idiot, it hasn't even really started yet. We stay inside until there is no inside left for us."

"Plus you get knives and ninja stars!" I joked.

"Really, Yamani?" he asked in an anticipated childish tone.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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