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It's just a label

yet it means something more.

We just threw it around

never thinking it would end in this big war.

We use to tell each other everything,

and laugh all day.

Times have changed,

since you've gone away.

Now happiness is rare,

and I feel so alone.

I keep thinking about you,

but I know I'm better on my own.

I don't miss you

or the way you ruined me.

Knowing what you said about me,

I thought I'd feel more free.

I wish I did.

I wish I didn't worry about you,

I know I'm better off on my own,

yet I still sometimes wish we had the relationship we use to.

You stabbed me in the back so many times,

there's no more space.

I know you will never really change,

but I keep my phone on just in case.

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