To Be a Freak

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Jupiter, FL: September of 1952

Two Weeks Later

The tires on the bright yellow taxi audibly struggled down the gravel path leading to Elsa Mars's infamous Freakshow.

As the car halted to a stop, Elsa opened her door and stepped outside. Elise, still struck with awe, remained in the car: staring. She stared with her mouth slightly agape as she took in the strange sights the Freakshow had to offer her.

She first laid eyes on the overgrown grass, which was everywhere except on the beaten path circling around the big top. As she looked towards the open mouth of the devil welcoming spectators into the tent, she noticed a large woman carrying a small child in an elegant dress. Her eyes bulged slightly at the curiosities, but she was soon brought back by a loud slamming of the taxi trunk, and Elsa shouting through the window, "come! There is no time to waste!"

Elise scrambled out of the taxicab and scurried over to Elsa's side, unintentionally hiding behind her large, flowing shawl.

As the car aggressively peeled back down the dirt road, the loud noise turned the heads of the freaks outside. A few stare at the delicate girl, causing her to drop her head in embarrassment.

"Madame Elsa, where am I?" Was the first questioned Elise uttered since arriving in Florida. Elsa let out another generous laugh.

"A freakshow, my darling. My freakshow, to be exact. Elsa Mars's Cabinet of Curiosities. This is your home now."

Elise raised her eyes to glance around again, "ma maison. . ." She whispers to herself.

After a few minutes of walking through the gravel and dirt, the pair arrive at a green trailer with bold, white lettering on the side.

Miss Esmerelda: Fortune Teller

Elsa abruptly turned around and commanded Elise to wait outside while she go in. Elise complied and continued to stare at the words on the side of the caravan, trying to recall what the phrase fortune teller meant. Before she had the opportunity, Elsa emerged from the trailer, holding the door wide open for Elise. Elsa beckoned for Elise to come inside, which she did.

"Leave your things there," she pointed to a small couch, "you'll be back later."

Elise does as she's told and quickly follows Elsa, who is already on the move, out of the trailer and into the big top.

As they entered through the curtain, Elise saw many freaks inside and on the stage; they appeared to be rehearsing.

Even though Elsa was the one to turn heads when the two entered, Elise was the one that attracted even more stares. Elise froze in her tracks when she noticed how many strange looking people were staring at her, unmoving in their own tasks. Elsa turned back to see the silent exchange of looks between her children and Elise, so she decided to inform the masses.

"Everyone!" She yells. All eyes immediately focus on Elsa. All were silent as they waited for her to speak.

"This is Elise Martin. Contortia, is her stage name. She is joining us permanently. Now focus your eyes and minds back on your work- we've got a show in three days!"

And with that simple command the freaks went about their business, some grumbling under their breath about 'too many rookies'.

"Esmerelda!" Elsa shouted, beckoning a young woman over from the far side of the tent. A petite blonde strutted towards Elsa and Elise. Elise made a mental note of how normal she looked, and wondered why she was here.

"Yes, Elsa?" She prompted in a strong tone.

"Elise, this is Maggie Esmerelda. Maggie, Elise will be staying in your trailer until we establish a suitable space for her to live. While this is temporary, I expect you to show her respect and courtesy as she is in your care," Elsa turns to Elise, "and I expect the same of you, my dear."

"Of course, Miss Elsa. It won't be a problem." Maggie stated, flashing a small smile in Elise's direction. She reciprocated the gesture.

"You may go, Esmerelda. Where is Jimmy?"

"He was over by me. I can send him your way if you'd like." Maggie prompted. Elsa nodded curtly as she watched the girl walk away. Moments later, Jimmy took Maggie's place in front of the two women.

"What can I do for you?" Jimmy asks, expressionless. Although, he tipped his hat. As he did so, Elise noticed his hands. For what felt like the millionth time today, her eyes bulged. There were surprises around every corner here!

"As one of our older members of the troupe, I expect you to show our newcomer around the camp tomorrow morning. Introduce her to the others, and help her get accustomed to rehearsals. As you know, we have a sold-out performance in three days." Elsa mentioned, more-so for Elise's benefit than Jimmy's.

Jimmy squints his eyes in Elise's direction, as he is suspicious of her obvious lack of 'freakiness'. Even though he heard Elsa's short introduction of Elise, he was still skeptical of her abilities.

"Sure thing, ma'am." He eventually responds, not taking his eyes off of Elise. She flushes from embarrassment.

Elsa glances over and sees her red face and assumes she is overwhelmed and tired, to which her assumption is correct.

"Come, Elise. Jimmy will meet you in the morning. Let's get you to bed, shall we?" Elsa lays a hand on Elise's back and returns her to Esmerelda's caravan. Just before Elise walks inside, she turns around again to face Elsa.

"Miss Elsa?" She nearly whispers. Elsa smiles, "yes?"

"Thank you again . . . For bringing me here. I like it much better than New York."

Elsa smiles at the young girl and replies simply with, "sleep well, my child."

* * * * *

Later that night, Maggie Esmerelda returns from the big top to her trailer. Remembering Elise is staying with her, she enters as quietly as possible.

To Maggie's surprise, she finds the young girl curled up in a ball, shivering, on the couch. Maggie sighs softly at the sight.

She drops to her knees to retrieve and extra pillow and blanket from beneath the small couch. She drapes the blanket over Elise, easily covering her petite frame. Then, she lifts her head gently to place the pillow beneath her cheek.

At this, Elise stirs, awakening. Maggie hushes her before she can say a word, and assures her that they will talk in the morning.

"Merci," Elise whispers, staring at the young woman above her. Maggie is slightly taken back by her French, but returns the gesture anyway.

"Bonne nuit."

Do Some Learnin': French Edition

Madame: Ma'am

Ma Maison: My house

Merci: Thank you

Bonne Nuit: Goodnight

The Butcher and The Lambحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن