thank you. ;w;

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Okay uh
I'm feeling cheesy:
So lately I've been really happy.
I'm not usually this way. I'm usually curled up in the corner dying inside. But— genuinely, I'm actually just.. Happy. I've honestly never been this genuinely happy in a while, aha. I've been feeling very loved for once, and not convinced that I'm a fucking failure and that everyone hates me. It's pretty amazing cause, number one, I haven't cut in like.. A month? Which is pretty amazing. Number two, I haven't had any signs of depression in this past week— just some minor anxiety with school n' stuff. I'm really proud of myself. I just wanted say thank you. To everyone, my followers, Alex (Best boyfrien), Sophie, Trash frien and my irl friend who's been supporting me, Haliea.
They're all amazing people and I'll list their usernames at the end, so you can (please) follow them. Also, off subject but, sorry for not posting any art lately. I'll try to get some up next week, for I just got my Huion h610. I'll try and draw some jazz on that. (It's new and I'm trying to fix the pen pressure on it ;w;) Anyways. Thank you again, everyone for supporting me and my stuff.
Here's the usernames~
TrashiestBin_ (Alex)
-Sinful_Trash- (Trash frien)
TomatoTrash_ (Sophie)
And Hailea doesn't have a wattpad, rip.

Alright, bye-bye, thank you again! 💜

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