In Which: Seven Sees Something New

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Amazed, Seven gazed up at the blue sky. Never had she seen it this way before. Sometimes, in remote, suburban areas, if there were no clouds and if the sun was shining brightly, it would be a soft cyan. Never as vibrant as this though. To be honest, it was slightly scary. The mere brightness made her stomach lurch slightly. What was it? Eh, never mind. Probably nothing.

Nostalgiac memories brought her back five years ago when she was six, and her Mom would read musty smelling history books to her and her older sister, while they played with toys. A hundred years ago, the sky was clear and blue, and in the nighttime, there would be thousands of tiny, flickering, shiny points in the sky. Almost like little white suns, as the book described them. Oh, what were they called? Right. "Stars". And there was also a larger, glowing rock, that would grow and then recede, as the months went by. It was called "the moon", Seven recalled. And the plants and trees could grow on their own, without fertilizer. That seemed so weird, barely having control over what grew and what didn't. All her life, she had longed to live back then and watch the stars and the moon. These days, the sky was just plain old grey. Completely boring.

The reason the sky woke up blue today, and not grey, as it usually was, was because they, as in, whoever did this...the government? had put this stuff in the sky so it would be clear blue again , and the sun would shine brighter, and the stars would come back, and the moon would be able to look down on everyone, as it used to, a hundred years ago.

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