Supply Run? More Like Supply Fight!

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After Dean saw what I saw, we all stuck our noses deep in the books and laptops. As I looked, I drank whiskey straight out of the bottle and searched until I was too drunk for my eyes to focus, but I just kept on drinking.

"Okay, you've had enough of that." Dean said, taking the nearly empty bottle from me. "Time for bed." I looked at the clock and read it as 1:00 A.M. I stood from my table and grabbed his hand. He pulled me to the stairs and I paused, knowing I'd probably fall from drunkenness.

"What's the matter?" he asked, a few steps up the stairs. I put my arms in the air and did grabby motions at him. "You want me to carry you?" I nodded, my arms still in the air and my hands continuing to grab air. He stepped down the few steps and picked me up like a sleeping child, my legs wrapped around his waist and arms wrapped around his neck with my head on his shoulder. "You, big baby."

"You love it." I slurred. He brought me to our bathroom, washed my hair and body, dried me, dressed me in one of his shirts and boxers, brought me to our bed and laid me under the covers. I curled up against my pillow and he pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Get some sleep. Tomorrow, we find out where this guy is, okay?" he asked and I replied with a nod. "Okay. Good night, baby." He kissed my forehead and headed toward the door.

"Good night, Dean."


The next day went by in a flash. Dean, Bobby, Sam and I combed through hundreds upon hundreds of books, but we couldn't find anything at all. I was going to go insane if I read another word, so I stood.

"Okay, I need a break. Supply-run. Anyone need anything?" I asked, standing and slamming my laptop closed.

"Toilet paper." Bobby said, not looking up from his book.

"Apples." Sam added.

I nodded at them, "And Dean, I know you want pie. Pecan or cherry?" Before he answered, I said, "You know what? I'm getting both."

I bent down and kissed Dean on the lips and he replied, "Love you."

"Love you too. Mind if I take Baby?" I asked and he tossed his keys over his shoulder. I caught them and drove to the nearest mini-mart store.

When I walked in, the man at the counter said a hello and I nodded, noticing the three other random customers in the building. I walked to the toiletries and grabbed toilet paper and pads. Then I walked to the produce section, grabbing apples, then to the bakery and grabbed a couple pies. After, I went to the checkout and placed my hand-basket on the counter.

"Hello, ma'am. How are you today?" the man asked, scanning my items.

"Good. How 'bout you?" I asked.

He smiled, "Great. Thanks for asking."

My head started to burn and I looked around and noticed that the other people were staring at nothing at all. A man was staring at the pomegranates like he was choosing between two types of movies, a woman was looking at two different loaves of bread, and a teenage boy was just gawking at the wall.

"That'll be $28.47." I looked at the mirror aiming behind the counter and saw blood covering the ground and a body of the dead counter-woman.

I pulled out a few dollars and looked at them, "Uh-oh." Then I threw it at him. He drew away and I reached for the demon knife in my belt.

I couldn't get it out quick enough and the man and woman turned me around and pinned my shoulders to the counter. The man behind the counter put me in a head lock as the teen took out my knife and looked at it.

"Cory, right?" the kid asked, and I struggled to breath. "Stephen sends his regards." He swung the knife and cut open my side and I screamed.

I kicked the kid back, his hand throwing the knife, and head-butted the man holding my neck with the back of my head. I pulled my arms loose and punched the man in the face, the woman in the stomach. Once I was free, I ran for the knife, but the kid grabbed my ankle and I kicked at his head.

Once I got my knife, I stabbed them and killed all four of the demons. After the fight ended, I sat on the ground and winced, my hand flying to my left side. I looked at the wound and knew I needed stitches.

I reached for my phone that had been crushed by my hip. It was broken beyond repair, "Crap."

I grabbed a pad from the pack on the counter and put it on my side, using it a temporary bandage. I grabbed the rest of the stuff from the counter and went back to the impala, driving home as fast as I could, feeling my head pounding from blood loss.

As I arrived, I skidded to a halt and put her in park, stumbling to the house. Sam ran out and caught me as I fell toward the steps.

"What happened?" Sam asked, helping me into the house and clearing off the kitchen table for me to lay on.

"I'll explain later, but I'm about to bleed out here, Sammy." I panted, climbing on the table.

"Dean, Bobby!" he called through the house. They came running as Sam cut a slit in my shirt.

"Oh, god." Bobby said as Dean grabbed the emergency kit from the cabinet.

Sammy slowly pulled away the pad from my side and started to wipe up my blood. Dean took it from him and looked at it for a second. "Really?"

"Sometimes, it pays to be a woman." I chuckled, but quickly stopped, feeling the pain as Sam started to stitch. "A warning would be greatly appreciated next time, Sam."

"Sorry. Almost done." He replied and poured some rubbing alcohol on my cut.

"Son of a bitch!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry, again."

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