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this one was like ,, specifically joshler but u can do whatever the fuck u want idk

- trans josh?? maybe kinda its up to u

- red hair!josh??

- josh's room is pink

- tyler is a little innocent church boy

- kinda a ruby songfic maybe

- josh meets tyler at church after his mum took him (either because shes transphobic or they just go to church??)

- tyler is a literal angel. literally.

- tyler had died at a young age of cancer ,, nd was sort of ,,, kept on earth for whatever reason ,, but as an angel.

- tyler lives alone because his family thinks hes dead

- tyler has the mind of a child ,, doesn't grasp a lot of things ,, which is frustrating for josh but josh loves him anyways

- tyler knows he's dead ,, trapped on earth ,, nd the only way he nd josh can stay together is if josh dies

- tyler persuades josh to drown himself ,, so they can be together forever

- josh dies ,, whatever the fuck happens to him idk

- tyler is still stuck on earth ,, now without josh

- or not m8 ,,, its up to u idk

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