Meeting Cas

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I woke up really early in the morning...... in my bed..... I don't remember moving in here but whatever. I got out of bed and decided to take a brief shower because I knew it would wake me and I could start the day.

After I took my shower I re-brushed my hair, the part without dreads, then threw it in a bun and put on a little eyeliner because I was feeling it for some reason. I then headed back to my room in my towel, because I forgot to grab cloths, got dressed and decided to explore the bunker a bit. I grabbed my phone off the charger and saw that it was 5 am. Welp, there goes my sleeping schedule for you.

I walked around the bunker, observing everything Dean showed us the night before. I stumbled upon the kitchen, which he hadn't showed us, I looked in the fridge for some food. Eggs, milk, cheese, fruit, yogurt, raw bacon, burger fixes', salad fixes', and other things. I looked in the pantry for something to make other than eggs and I found the necessary ingredients for pancakes and pulled them all out on the island counter. I started mixing together everything and cooking up the pancakes. I made them in random sizes and put them on a plate. By the time I was done fixing breakfast I heard footsteps in the kitchen.

"Coffee is in the pot, hot water for tea is next to that." I said not looking at who it was and finished what I was doing.

"Thanks." a morning voiced Sam said pouring some coffee.

I checked my phone, 6 am, well not that long. I should go wake Marcus in a sec of that boy will sleep all day.

"I'll be right back, help yourself to anything here." I said walking out of kitchen to wake Marcus.

After I woke Marcus I left Dean to sleep because I had a feeling the bacon would wake him up instead. We headed back to the kitchen and grabbed a mug to make Marcus so tea and me some coffee.

"Thank you for breakfast Ari, it's so good." Sam said with food in his mouth as I entered the room.

"Ha, your welcome Sam." I laughed in response.

I heard dragging footsteps come into the kitchen as I was making my coffee. I turned to see a sleepy Dean drooling over the food.

"Good morning Dean, coffee?" I asked placing Marcus' tea in front of him.

"Yes, please. Black." Dean said making a plate and sitting down.

"Ok, here you go." I said placing his cup at one of the empty seats.

"Ari, did you cook?" Dean said taking a bite of the eggs.

"I did, I wanted to thank you guys for letting us stay here for a few day. Plus on the road I don't get to cook much and I kinda missed it." I said making a small plate of food for myself.

"Yea, Ari loves cooking and baking. Ari is a great cook, can make basically anything from anything." Marcus stated eating some pancakes.

"And Marcus is just a great person in general." I said sticking my tongue out and him.

We ate our breakfast and I finished first so I cleaned up the food. I made another cup of coffee for me and went to the library area. I found Sam in there looking at his laptop again and I thought I would help him out.

I sat down and looked at whatever he was researching when Marcus and Dean came into the room laughing. I would have to ask later.

"Hello Dean." a deep raspy voice came from across the room.

"Jesus Cas, you can't keep doing that." Dean said jumping from the sudden person.

"Who are you?" I questioned the man.

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