😘My highschool story😘

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Hi my name is Kayla , I'm 15 light skin, light blue eyes, kinda thick, long black and  burgundy hair, and got braces. I go to westside high
I get up take a shower put my black Minnie mouse sweater, black tight ripped jeans, black 12s Jordan's and my hair down. I get on the bus this boy sit next to me.

???: hey
Me: hey
???: what's yo name
Me: kayla
???: sexy name
Me: what's yours
???: devin

We get off the bus and go in class this fine boy name chris sat next to me.😚

Chris: hey
Me: hey
Chris: kayla right
Me: yea why
Chris: I wanna go with you
Me: ok well you go with me:then
Chris: for real
Me: yea
Chris: love you baby
Me: love you too

Bell rings we went to connections chris was playing basketball. I see my bestie keria talking to this boy

Me: bestie
Keria: bestie
Me: I see you trying to get a nigga
Keria: girl yes
Me: what's his name
Keria: cameron
Me: ok girl I see you
Keria: girl please I know you not talking bout me
Me: what you talking bout
Keria: that fine nigga over there
Me: oh that's bae

We went to lunch me, keria, chris, and cameron sitting at the same table this girl walk up to chris.

Girl: wassup chris
Chris: you my sister we seen each other this morning
Me: this your sister
Girl: yes and you are
Me: kayla his girlfriend what's your name
Courtney: my name is courtney
Me: that's a cute name
Courtney: thank you are you coming to diner with us
Me: sure what time
Chris: 9
Me: ok I'll be there

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