Chapter 1

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 It was down in Tartarus, of all places, when it happened.

 Annabeth and I were surrounded at the Doors of Death, trying, in vain, to close them, so that Gaia, the evil Titan mother of all, and the immortal Goddess of the Earth, wouldn't succeed in her 'take over the world and commit genocide' plan. There had been a Great Prophecy (after Luke and I had fulfilled the last one), stating that seven demigods must band together to defeat Gaia, and after Jason and I had unwillingly taken part in a Greek and Roman life swap, hosted graciously by the Queen of Olympus, Hera, we Greeks had discovered the Roman Camp Jupiter, and we found our seven demigods. Hazel, daughter of Pluto, Frank, son of Mars, Jason, son of Jupiter, Leo, son of Hephaestus, Piper, daughter of Aphrodite, Annabeth, daughter of Athena, and I, son of Poseidon, had all gone on a magical quest, travelling all across the ancient world on Leo's flying boat, the Argo II. When we arrived in Rome, Annabeth had gone on a top secret quest to find the Mark of Athena, and found the giant, lost statue of her mom. The rest of us had pulled in just in time to save her from the clutches of Arachne, a giant spider woman with a massive grudge against Athena and all her children. Unfortunately, just when everything was going so well, Annabeth had fallen into the depths of Tartarus, and I, being a noble and loyal boyfriend, had accidentally on purpose followed her down.

 Note to anyone that may be reading this - Do not be deceived by any creepy monsters disguised as travel agents. Tartarus is not a good place to visit - at any time of year.

 After many near death experiences, drinking liquid fire and meeting many old enemies, we finally reached the Doors of Death, only to find them guarded heavily by hordes of monsters and Titans. The situation looked pretty dire.

 In due course, we were discovered. With the chains cut, after the next delivery to the surface, the Doors would then reset, and the leakage of Gaia's minions to the surface would then stop, making it a lot easier to defeat the evil Earth Mother.


 I glanced at Annabeth. She was so beautiful when she was angry. I swung Riptide from side to side, warding monsters away as we advanced closer to the Doors - to freedom from this living hell, and Annabeth stabbed and gutted any monster which was unfortunate enough to find themselves too close. They spontaneously combusted into a pile of unattractive ash, which swirled in spirals to go and reform somewhere else in Tartarus. Hopefully they wouldn't be back for a long while. Her blonde hair flicked into her face, and during those precious moments when she had a break from fighting, she brushed it behind her ear, revealing the half healed battle scars she'd gained in the last couple of weeks.

 We were nearly at the Doors now. I knew what I would have to do. I remembered the conversation with Bob about how the Doors worked, the one we had whilst Annabeth was sleeping.

 I'd do anything to save Annabeth. Even if it meant sacrificing myself.

 "Annabeth", I whispered when we reached the Doors of Death, "Get inside the lift. I'll hold them off for a moment."

 She looked at me skeptically. "Uh uh, Seaweed Brain. I know what you're thinking. Don't you dare. I'm not going anywhere. Not without you."

 "It's our only hope." I grimaced as another telekhine dissolved into the dust at the blade of my sword. I sprinted to the door, and Annabeth followed closely behind. I angled myself just right, slowed myself to a halt, and Annabeth, not expecting my change in heart, careered straight in the lift. I surged forward, and pressed the button to send the lift up to the surface.

 "NO! Percy, please! Come with me, seaweed brain. Please, please! I can't live without you!" Annabeth screamed as the Doors started to close. Tears streamed down her scar ridden face, and her hands reached towards me, brushing across my face, through the rapidly decreasing gap. My face was hard as I pushed her hands away.

 Am I good? Is this the right thing? I don't deserve to live. Annabeth deserves to live out her life. You'll die. You'll never see her again.

 Shut up.

 I kept my hold on the button, even when the stabbing pain in my back made me gasp. I looked into Annabeth's eyes. She stifled a scream, covering her mouth in shock. 

 I looked down at my torso. A rather large obsidian sword was sticking out of my chest, covered in blood.

 My blood.

 I locked eyes with Annabeth one last time. I blew a kiss and mouthed her name as the elevator doors slammed shut. My whole body was screaming in pain, but I forced myself to hold on until the sign said that she was safe. I breathed a sigh of relief with slight difficulty, knowing that she'd live, and watched, my hand on my heart, as the Doors of Death slowly vanished from view. 

 The world started to fade and spin, and the angry and disappointed bellows of Gaia's now dead minions started to turn into piles of ashy dust, to go and reform in their own time. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be that lucky. My form swayed, and I collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily.

 "I'll never let you forget me, Annabeth Chase." I breathed, knowing that these were my final moments. " I will never leave you again. I swear that on the river Styx."

 Everything turned black.

A One Way Trip (A Percy Jackson FanFiction) *SLOW UPDATES*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora