Chapter 2 - Who Am I?

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Chapter 2 - Who Am I?

One day, Sid thought Brainy was his lunch. He sat down and grabbed Brainy's hand, but then Brainy ran off before he had a chance to take a bite.

Then he thought he was a cow.

"Mooooooo!" he said. He laid down in the grass at recess and started to eat some.

"What the heck is wrong with that guy?!" wondered Rhonda aloud to Nadine. She got up from her seat on the bench and walked over to Sid. "You're not a cow," she said. "You're a human."

"Then what am I?"

"What I just said. A human."

"What's a, 'what I just said'."

"You're confusing me here."

"I'm a cow."

Rhonda sighed and sat down on the ground next to Sid. "You. Are. A. Human."

"Why are you talking like that?"

"Because. . . I don't know, actually."

"Wellie wellaaaaa weloooo lalalahahaha!" said Sid. He hit his head on Rhonda's boots and collapsed on the grass in front of Nadine.

Nadine touched his head. It was cold.

"I think he's dead," she said.

Rhonda shot one of her best Looks at Nadine. "No, your hand is probably just really hot."

Peapod Kid wandered over. "Yeah, her hand is terribly, terribly hot. Just like the rest of her."

Sid woke up from his daze. "Rhonda. . . mumu. . . mama mia!"

Rhonda got up, sending Sid to collapse on the grass once again.

"I'm not your mom."

"Yes you are. . . mommy!"

Oh. . . great, thought Rhonda. I am really in for it.

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