Chapter 2: What a Divaaa

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As i run back to camp, heart pounding to know why they are screaming. I make it back but see 3 hunched figures near a tent. I climb a tree silently and watch. A curly haired one  says "Well I have had better buuuuut yeah..." Then a blonde one suddenly stood up and started complaining that he was 'Still Hungry' Then another brown looked at him and said: "Niall your kidding! You have had a WHOLE girl to your self 2 boys from an alley and a little girl from that house we attacked! You can't STILL be hungry (A/N Shit I'm Hungry now to and its 2:30am Where i am xD) Then 'Niall' said "Yeah but I'm still hungry and i want MORE!"he yelled. Then out of no where a black haired one and yet ANOTHER brow haired one came and said "Niall enough now lets go!". By this point i knew what they were. VAMPIRES. I started climbing down from my tree and tried to distance myself from them. I reached for my phone but it was in my tent..... and no way in HELL am i goin to go get it. Then curly-brown hair said "Wait... There's another look at the extra tent." All the boys widened their eyes. "FIRST ONE TO FIND HER GETS TO EAT HER!" I could hear him yelling from what distance I could put during their conversation and  me running away from them. I then hear a whoosh and at that meant i knew that i was dead. I turned a corner and ran side ways from the noise. Then all of a sudden I was shoved over. I trip and yelp when I tumble over a smashed glass. Great, now I have blood leaking from my arm. As soon as i got the glass stuck in my arm, all 5 of the boys who looked familiar were hunched over me grinning. 

I try backing up to a tree but then the curly one smirked and says "Why Hello There, what is a beautiful girl like you doing in the woods all alone at night?" I decide to be a smart ass and say "What are weird creeps like you, All doing killing innocent people for blood?" The Brown Hair and Blue eyes one Yelled "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL US???!!!" and kicked me in the stomach really hard, but I only screw up my face a bit and start thinking 'Really is that all ya got? That was so weak.' I should know what pain feels like It was how i was treated at my old school. Then he looks at me as if he read my mind and screamed " YOU LITTLE FUCKING SHIT DON'T FUCKING SAY I'M FUCKING WEAK! I'M A VAMPIRE WITH POWERS THAT CAN KILL YOU AND OH WHAT ARE YOU AGAIN? OH THAT'S RIGHT A LITTLE FUCKING HUMAN WHO CAN'T EVEN MAKE A DENT IN ME!" Then he has a full on rage and starts kicking the ground really hard. "Wow" I thought. "All that anger just because he didn't hurt me? What a diva."  And then he just stares at me with red eyes then all of a sudden, the black haired one looks at me causing me to look at him then he moves his hand down causing a branch to fall on top of me which knocks me out.

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