
246 6 0

Word count: 1085

Warnings: smut, murder, shit plot and shittier writing, sorry


Stiles and Derek pulled up to the gas station in their shiny, red 74' Ford Maverick. A swift kiss and they entered the almost desolate building. It was mid-afternoon and they were in the middle of nowhere, somewhere near the Texas border.

The balding shopkeeper looked up briefly at the two before going back to reading today's newspaper. Stiles headed towards the back of the shop, grabbing various items as circulated the store including a bag of chips, gummy worms, and a bottle of water, dawdling a few seconds and waiting for Derek.

Stiles watched as his leather-clad partner strolled up to the counter and leaned on it casually, gaining the shopkeepers attention. Derek smirked arrogantly, picking up a random tabloid and flipped through it absentmindedly. "Quiet around here, isn't it?"

"Small town," the shopkeeper grunted in response, "ain't even a town really, ain't no one for miles 'round 'ere."

"I'm guessing that means that nothing really happens around here then," Derek smirked. That was it, the signal. The click of a gun was heard as Stiles pulled his from his back pocket, Derek following suit.

"Hands up! Where I can see them!" Stiles yelled, approaching the counter quickly. The shopkeeper yelped in surprise, hands going up as he took a step back. Derek kept his gun trained on the man, a challenging look in his eyes as Stiles took the money from the register, packing it all into a brown paper bag quickly. The shopkeeper had gone pale and his arms shook as he stood defenceless against the two men robbing him.

Derek pocketed a few packets of gum and a box of cigarettes before sirens could be heard faintly in the distance. They weren't idiots, the man had pressed the panic button, they always fucking did, somehow.

"Fucking cock" Stiles spat as he strained his ears to the sound. It would still be a few minutes before the cops actually arrived, they must've been patrolling nearby to be able to get here so fast.

"You ready babe?" Derek asked, glancing down at Stiles drawn in eyebrows. Stiles hummed in response, taking whatever else he needed- or simply wanted, before nodding to Derek and pointing his own gun at the man.

"Try anything and I'll fucking kill you, hear me?" The man nodded quickly, waving his hands in surrender. Stiles nodded to Derek as a silent 'let's go' and leaving the store, running to the car parked a few metres away. He threw the money in the backseat through the window, Derek also rushing out of the store and they both moved to jump in the car.

A gunshot sounded and Stiles yelled out in pain as he felt the bullet hit his arm. He gritted his teeth as he looked up to see the shopkeeper with a shotgun, running out of the shop towards them.

"Shit." Stiles quickly jumped in the passenger seat, turning to the empty driver's seat and rolling his eyes as another gunshot rang out loudly. He looked over to see Derek holding a gun to the man's head, a murderous glare on his face. How dare he hurt Stiles. The shopkeeper had dropped his gun, hands clutching his side as blood seeped through his fingers. "Derek! C'mon!"

Another shot and the man dropped to the ground as blood sprayed out behind him, a hole going clear through his head. Good, it's what he deserves, Derek thought before jogging to the car, jumping in and driving off as the sound of sirens grew louder.

"Sti, you okay?" Derek asked with a worried expression on his face as he saw the blood covering the arm of Stiles' hoodie. Stiles grumbled, gripping the wound with a bitter expression.

"This is my favourite fucking hoodie and some dickwad just had to ruin it. Asshole." He muttered bitterly, Derek let out a bark of laughter, hand reaching out to grip Stiles' head and pull it close for a passionate yet, chaste kiss before turning back to the road they were currently speeding down.


They drove for a few miles before stopping at a motel, booking a room and paying in cash. Stiles stayed in the car as blood-soaked clothes were often questioned by strangers and police often followed.

The sun was so low in the sky that the night could be seen on the horizon, a buzz of insects accompanied the moist heat that had settled upon them. Stiles and Derek walked to their room side-by-side, a certain and familiar tension between them, one that always occurred after an adrenaline filled hold-up.

The second Stiles stepped into the room he was slammed up against the wall, Derek's hips grinding into his own and Derek's mouth capturing the strangled groan that erupted from the back of Stiles' throat.

Their clothes were quickly shed as they stumbled to the made bed, heavy breaths and Stiles' many noises were heard as Derek pinned him to the bed, biting and sucking harshly on his neck, leaving more marks to complete the other fading ones.

Little preparation was needed before Derek was lining him up and thrusting in, a loud groan escaping his own lips that hovered merely centimetres away from Stiles' who whimpered and wiggled impatiently, willing Derek to move.

"God- Stiles- God, I love you" Derek panted, moaning as he moved his hips. Stiles made a noise of appreciation, reaching up to thread his fingers through Derek's dark hair and pulling him down for a rough kiss that continued with broken breaths in between until both men were climaxing with loud groans of pleasure.

"Love you too, Der" Stiles sighed, as Derek slipped out of him and collapsed next to him, wrapping an arm around his waist, frowning slightly at the dried blood that caked around the very tiny wound that the bullet had inflicted.

"Are you-"

"Yes, Der, I'm sure. It's fine, it doesn't even hurt," Stiles assured him with a fond roll of his eyes. He doesn't understand how he was so lucky to find someone so beautiful and amazing such as Derek, who was both as accepting and fucked as he was. It was supposed to be small fling that stretched from a few weeks to almost two years now. It was insane.

Derek sighed in content, kissing the moles on Stiles' cheek before nuzzling his nose under his jaw like he always does. Stiles smiled fondly, thinking the gesture cute. He sighed as well before snuggling down into his chest, falling asleep to the faint thump of his heart.

He couldn't have chosen anyone better to run away with.

The End.


[I apologise that this isn't the best, I'll admit I am a bit rusty when it comes to writing as I've been too busy and stressed lately but I'm hoping to change that!]  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2017 ⏰

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