The Return

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"I don't think she remembers anything."

First Crowley, now these guys? You wondered if anyone was going to believe you while you pleaded ignorant to the history they all assumed you knew. Crowley was insane and so you gave him a pass on insisting you were lying about your connections, but these brothers actually seemed normal and level-headed. Talk of lost memories, demons, and hell was the last thing you expected from the men who rescued you.

"What do you mean?" Dean asked, glancing back at you and over to Sam, growing concerned as you gawked at the front seat.

You were tired, achy, hungry, and disoriented. There was the possibility of a concussion and you weren't sure of the extent of all your injuries. You were confused about what was happening, thrown into the mess of psychopaths. Your state shouldn't be a surprise to either of them, but apparently Dean needed an explanation, so you gave him one.

"He means I don't know either of you, but for some reason everyone I've met in the past two days seems to think I should. You must be the Winchesters, yeah?" The words came flying out with a lot more bite than you intended, but the aforementioned problems were to blame for that. And the fact that you were riding in the car of strangers who acted acted like they knew more about your life than you did.

Dean couldn't help but turn around and stare at you and you thought he might run off the road because he wasn't watching it. His eyes told you he was considerably freaked out now, too.

"Yeeeah. We are," he affirmed, turning back around. He seemed like he wanted to say something else, but he didn't know what that was yet.

Sam, on the other hand, stayed silent, staring at the road in front of them. You couldn't see his face, but he looked tense and his lack of response worried you. He seemed a lot more upset about you "not remembering" than Dean did. These men were shaping up to be just as delusional as Crowley.

"Look, just drop me off at my house. Thank you for getting me out of, whatever that was, but I really don't want any more trouble." Whoever these Winchesters were, you didn't want any part of their drama with Crowley.

"Sorry, but no can do. Crowley will still be looking for you and he'll know exactly where to find you. You have to stay with us," Dean said. He spoke firmly, letting you know there wasn't another option, but he tried to be apologetic about your situation.

You didn't know whether it was the reality of what happened finally hitting you, exhaustion, or feeling like you were being kidnapped again, but you began crying. It wasn't loud or wailing, but bouts of tears were shoving their way up your throat and out your eyes and you buried your face in your hands, feeling utterly helpless. You were scared, having fully appreciated the events of the past few days now that the immediate threat had been eliminated. Your mind could think about everything that happened from a less rational and pragmatic perspective, allowing the emotional effects to surface.

In your distress, you didn't notice the passing glances between the brothers, Dean pushing Sam to talk and not understanding why he was being so passive, and Sam finally giving in when he heard an attempt at a silent sob in the back seat.

He turned around, reaching a hand over the back of his seat and placing it tentatively on your right knee. It was an overly polite gesture and it caused you bring your hands from your face. Sam focused on you in an almost desperate way, layers of hurt and disappointment hidden under what was needed to reassure you at the moment. He was all you saw while he spoke to you.

"We're here to help you, Y/N. We're not going to hurt you. We'll tell you everything that's going on when we get back to our place, I promise, but for now, please stay with me."

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