Chapter 8

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A/N: Big thanks to Wolfie_San for this idea! It's finally up and I'm sorry again for the long wait. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading!


He attached the chain to the collar and walked off.

As he walked away I realized that I can't just sit here, now's the time for action. I reached up and grabbed hold of the chain attached to my collar. Wait. I could just undo the collar, there's nothing stopping me.

Hesitantly, I reached up and undid the buckles of the collar and removed it from around my neck. I looked to the wide open door and slowly set it down as quiet as possible. I need to be as silent as possible if I want to make it out. I stood up and crept across the hardwood floor on my tiptoes, slowly making it to the door which was, luckily, still open.

I peaked around the corner towards the way we came, looking down the long hallway. It was filled with pictures of Eli and what I would think to be family and friends, a long brownish-reddish patterned rug going across the pretty oak floor. There were about four more doors going down the hall, this one being fifth and final door at the end. Thankfully, Eli wasn't anywhere in sight.

I made my way through the hall, pausing and listening everytime the floor creaked under the pressure of my feet. Never once did he appear at the sound. Down the staircase I went, peaking around as much as I could without completely exposing myself. I could see a glimpse of him going into a room away from the living room where the front door was.

Taking my chance, I hurried down the stairs with as little noise as possible to the white front door, grabbing hold of the door knob. As I turned it all I got was a click of the lock on the door. Of course it's locked. I'm so stupid.

What idiot would leave the door unlocked when they just bought a person who would leave the first chance they got. Quickly I searched for the lock I could turn and get out of this hell hole before turning both the deadbolt and the door lock and trying again. Click. It's still locked...but how?

Then it dawned on me, I looked up and found another lock above me that was guarded by a key hole. Now I really can't get out this way. "Ahem..", I hear a voice clearing their throat from behind me. I freeze before slowly turning to find Eli standing there.

He was tapping his foot with his arms crossed over his chest, a very stern glare being directed right at me.
"Going out somewhere?", he sneered sarcastically, "Now, I know I gave you some rules and it seems we've broken quite a few haven't we? Let's talk it over." He grabbed hold of my shirt, eliciting a squeak of fear from me as he did so, dragging me to the living room and flinging me into the cage. Bang.

"Ow!", I shrieked, my back aching as it hit the back of the cage. He crouched down to my level as he spoke, "Let's see. You tried to escape, you took off your collar, you stood up and walked, why, if I didn't know any better I'd say you did all this on purpose." I gulped as he listed the rules I had broken, knowing I really messed up. He pulled out what looked to be a shock collar, "I really didn't want to use this, but you've forced my hand.", he clicked the collar in place and pulled out a miniature remote control.

He gave a sarcastic grin on his face, "Now, this little do-hicky here you'll find isn't removable by your hand", he pointed at the key around his neck. "Only I can remove it and I'll only do that when you've proven yourself to be trustworthy. And I can guarantee that won't happen anytime soon.", he continued, "You will also find that whenever I see you breaking a rule or disobeying it will give you a little shock. Like this." He pressed the button causing electricity to go through my body, making my muscles spasm. I shrieked in pain and surprise.

"Now that that's out of the way", he began as he closed the cage and locked it, "I have some equipment to set up." He turned and walked off to the kitchen. Soon enough, I heard what sounded to be a backdoor slamming shut.

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