Traits and Personality

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Aries- Child at heart, naive, adventurous, active, outgoing, confusing, athletic, aggressive, dynamic

Cancer- Emotional, sensitive, romantic, mysterious, compassionate, family oriented

Taurus- Love of luxury, sensual, devoted, kind, reserved, cool, detached, withdrawn

Gemini- Multi-talented, adventurous, full of fun

Scorpio- Faithful, secretive, powerful, wise, dramatic, passionate, intense

Sagittarius- Idealistic, enthusiastic, spontaneous, confident, free-spirited, optimistic

Pisces- Alluring, talented, compassionate, imaginative, understanding, receptive

Capricorn- Cautious, responsible, reliable

Leo- Loyal, devoted, proud, stylish, charismatic

Libra- Harmony, peace loving, non-judgmental

Virgo- Considerate, creative, sensitive, reliable

Aquarius- Objective, innovative, intellectual,

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