The Note and The Shadow

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It was a late summer night. I was going out to eat with my friends. Then suddenly "Bam" my glass window broke into a million piece's. Next thing I know I'm under my desk holding my eyeliner as a weapon. It wouldn't have helped me but whoever was attacking me would've been looking cute.

I sat and waited for someone to climb though my window. No one did. I got up and looked side to side try to figure out what just busted my window and why. I found the answer. It was a brick but their was a note tied to it.

The note read, " Meet me in the park at sundown." Then another brick came flying in it landed on my bed this time. There was another note "COME ALONE!"

What why do I have to go alone or go at all? I hurried and looked out my shattered window and all I saw was a shadow figure with broad shoulders standing across the street staring at me with his cold, heartless, dead brown eyes. I yell out to him. I asked him who was he and what was he doing here. He just stood there. Finally, the police came. The mystery man,took off running. The police  came running in and  asked what happened.

I asked him how did they know something happened. They told me the silent alarm was triggered. Ohh it must've went off with my window broke. Then I told them what had just happened. They told me that they will look into it. I asked them to take me to a friend house because I didn't feel safe.

They did just that. I was with my friends for about 10 minutes when my phone went off. It was a private number. I don't usually answer private numbers but it might have been my dad from the hospital since when they are working they can't use personal phones. I answered it with a jolly "Hello" the person who responded wasn't my dad.

"Do you really think you can get rid of me that easily?" I could not  move or talk then he said, " Just wait until you leave your friends house. I'm outside. Isn't it 432 Cookie Monster Rd. "Yes" I said in a stutter. Then there was a bang at the door.

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