Chapter 16

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*Jess' POV* 

I sat in the airport alone. I watched as everyone around me walked passed me, I watched the smiles on their faces and the heard the laughs come out of their mouths but I couldn't bring myself to smile. 

Vanessa came and sat down beside me and handed me a coffee "Its gonna be a long flight" "at least I will be far away" I sat there with no emotion. seconds later I hear something start to ring and I feel a vibration in my pocket. I ignore the call "Jess.." "I don't wanna talk to anyone" "what if it's Hayes or Nash" "No one" 

I put my headphones in to ignore the world, I just don't understand why cam did this to me.. 

*Nash's POV*

I sat on Jess' bed and kept calling her phone until I couldn't. she turned her phone off. where the heck could she have gone???  I tried calling Vanessa but no answer I'm getting really worried. 

Cameron walked into the room and looked around confused "wheres jess?" "I have no clue" "What do you mean?" "Shes not here and isn't answering my calls and now her phone is off" "Oh.." "do you know where she is? her and Vanessa aren't anywhere to be found" 

"Um nope.." "Okay.. maybe Hayes does" I stand up and Cam jumps up "I'll go ask him" "Um.. I can" "No really, let me" "No really, Its fine" "Nash" "Cameron" he sighs "She went home" "What?" "Jess left, she went home" "What?! why!?" 

Cam mumbled something "Excuse me?" "I ran into my ex and she kissed me.." "You cheated on Jess!?" "No! I pushed her off" "But you told Jess that some other girl kissed you" "Well.. not necessarily" I looked at him confused "She came outside just as she kissed me.." 

I sat down and called Jess again hoping this time I'd get an answer. I listened as it rang and rang and rang as I was about to hang up I heard someone "hello?" "Jess?" "Why won't you stop calling me?" "Cause I couldn't find you! you had me worried sick" 

"Hayes and that asshole you call a best friend knows where I am" "Jess he told me what happened" "did you put him up to it?" 

"what?" "Was it you?? He never loved me did he? it was just all your plan to hurt me right?" "What Jess no" "so he just willingly decided to hurt me?" "Jess.." before I could even talk she hung up on me 

I stand up and head back to my room and start packing my stuff "Where are you going?" I look over at Hayes "Home" "why?" "cause our sister is at home heart broken and she thinks it cause of me" 

"What do you mean?" "she thinks I made Cam date her then cheat on her to hurt her" "I'll call her" "Okay.." 

*Jess' POV*

Finally home. I went up to my room and laid on my bed. I pulled the covers over me and closed my eyes "Jess?" I opened one eye and seen Vanessa standing in my door way "What?" "How are you feeling?" "Horrible" "I'm sorry" "I just wanna sleep"

"Okay.." I heard her shut the door and goes down the stairs and I close my eyes again. I roll over then my phone starts to ring I groan and answer "What?" "Jess are you okay?" I heard Hayes' voice on the other side of the line "I'm fine" "Where are you?"

"In my room" "no you're not" "Yes I am" "What room" "My room at home" "You left?" "yes" It was silent for a while on the phone until he spoke up "Nash didn't put Cam up to it" "how do you know" 

"Cause he's packing to come home and make sure you're okay, if he wanted to hurt you he wouldn't care" "He's coming home?" "Yes" I sat up "but what about MAGcon??" 

"I don't know but he wants to go home and make sure you're okay" I hung up on Hayes and called Nash "Hello?" "Stay" "what" "You're not coming home. you're staying cause you have fans to meet" 

"But you're more important" "I'm fine I promise" "Okay.."  "I'll talk to you later" "Okay love you" "Love you too"

I hang up and go to sleep


January 12th 2017 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2017 ⏰

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