#What Disney movie you guys watch

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Luke: The Pebble and the Penguin

You and Luke decide to watch this Disney movie because of Luke's love for penguins and also because of the cute songs and adorable characters. What's not to love about this for movie night?

Calum: 101 Dalmatians 

You and your husband to be Calum watch 101 Dalmatians for your kids movie night because not only is there 101 dogs for Calum to be in aw over but also there's family favourite songs and who doesn't love one of Disney's classic movies and famous villain Cruella De Vil. Only problem with the movie in the end was that Calum wanted a dalmatian so of course you went to the pet store in the morning.

Michael: Ratatouille 

It was a cold winter's evening and you and your husband Michael decided to take a blast to the past and watch a cute Disney movie because you both had a love for Disney. At first you didn't know what to watch but then after a while of sitting around looking at all the Disney movies, you decided Ratatouille was the way to go because FOOD. The night turned out great but you were both so hungry in the end.

Ashton: Camp Rock

You walked in to your living room only to see your fiance Ashton and your little girl Alexa sitting down and singing along to a Disney movie. You smiled and sat down next to them and realised that the movie they were watching was Camp Rock. Instantly you picked up on the songs and started singing along. By the end of the night, when you tucked your sleepy girl in bed, she thanked you for the amazing day she had with you and daddy. 

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