chapter two ✦ baby are you down

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a/n I don't really like this chapter but I wanted to introduce her siblings and stuff so peace dudes •

"How was it?"

Olivia looked at her older sister Kat, who's vision was focused on the road as she drove them back home.

She shrugged, her eyes wondering back to the window to watch the clouds move at a painfully slow pace.

She hated this time of day. 4 p.m. Everything felt so dull.

"Any cute boys?" Kat asked, trying to spark conversation.

The sisters had always been extremely close to one another, being the only girls in their home with her brother and father as well. Kat, taking an almost motherly approach when looking after her family, especially Olivia.

She knew her sisters random questions were just an attempt at keeping her hopeful, and she appreciated the older girls support more than she would ever know, but the hopeless feeling she was often unfortunate enough to endure always seemed to linger in the back of her mind.

"Actually.." Olivia said, gathering all of her sisters attention. "Luis Mendoza was there."

"Jasmine's brother?" her sister asked in reference to her best friend, Luis's oldest sister.

Olivia nodded. "Who would've know such a pretty face could be so fucked up." she said, her eyes traveling back to the clouds.

"Hey hey, you guys are not fucked up." her sister assured, placing a hand over Olivia's, which rested in her lap.

Olivia turned toward her sister, raising her eyebrows in disbelief. "So why am I like this?"

She had been told on multiple occasions that understanding it all was key. But she was clueless as to of how she could make other people understand when she couldn't even do that herself.

"It's a chem-" "

"Chemical imbalance in my brain. I know." She said, finishing her sisters sentence with a slight laugh. "It's just hard." she mumbled, playing with the bracelet on her wrist.

She didn't like talking about it, she didn't even like the fact that she had to accept herself as whatever this was. She didn't want to be considered crazy, and the constant feeling of shame and humiliation haunted her.

"Good thing you have a kick ass big sister who's not gonna let you go through this alone." Kat said, nudging Olivia with her elbow.

Olivia cracked a smile. Her sister was the closest thing to comfort she had, and she loved her to no end.

"There's the smile I know and love!" Her sister yelled happily.

Olivia playfully rolled her eyes, reaching to turn up the radio, but flinched when her sister gasped loudly.

"So baby don't worry, you are my only, you won't be lonely, even if the sky is falling down!" She sang loudly, and quite obnoxiously, along with the song that played through the speakers.

"oh my god."

"Baby are you down down down down down! Even if the sky is falling down!" She continued, ignoring her younger sisters complaints for the rest of the ride home.


The sisters walked through the front door of their quaint home, laughing over Kat's horrible singing voice.

"Oh come on! It wasn't that bad." she said defending her pride as they both slid off their shoes.

"If you're talking about your singing, then yes, it's bad!" her brothers voice rang through the next room.

The two looked at each other knowingly before walking into the kitchen, greeted by a hungry Stiles who appeared to be searching for something to eat.

"Thank you, stiles." Olivia said, referring to his defense.

Her brother, Kats twin, was another one of her biggest supporters. Wether it was backing up a remark about her sister, or just getting through this crazy thing called life.

"Okay well I'm not horrible." she defended, pushing Stiles aside to search through the fridge as Olivia took a seat at the counter.

"Yeah no, you suck." he said nonchalantly as he pushed her away to grab a bottle of whipped cream from the fridge. He squirted some into his mouth to only have it get snatched away by Kat seconds later, mimicking his actions.

"Anyways, how was the looney bin, Liv?"

Kat coughed, chocking on a mouthful of whipped cream before jabbing her elbow into her brothers side.

"Ow- fu-" he was jabbed again.

"I mean how was therapy, Liv?" he corrected, holding the side of his rib cage that his twin just assaulted.

Olivia, used to her brothers impulsivity, simply raised her eyebrows and sent him a knowing smile. "Nice save." She said before giving him a pat on the back, and walking out of the room.

"You idiot!" she heard as she made her way up the stairs.

She smiled to herself, thinking of the two. Her brother and sister may have driven her mad one too many times, but they were home to her.

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