Day 1: part 1: First game (Edited)

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"Soo... the first game will be... MEMORY!" Mato said.
The chosen was contestants for this game was:
- Yuka
- Ren
- Milliana
- Rocker
- Flare
- Lucy (Team B)
- Gray
- Rogue
And so the game began.

All the contestants entered a little room where they will be contesting.
"Now that everyone is in there room it's time to explain the game!" Mato said "it's easy enough all you(the contestants) have to do is relive your worst memory/memories over and over until you quit, you will be doing it one at a time. The winner is the one that lasts the longest. Have fun!!!"
And so the games begin.

~I'll only show those important to the story~ 

First up was Yuka, he lasted around 15 minutes before he had enough, after that it was Ren, he lasted 14 minutes, then it was Milliana, she lasted a whole 20 minutes before she broke, after Milliana, it was Rocker with 16 minutes and then Flare with 17 minutes.
Finally, it was Lucy's turn it was all black before the memory started showing:

~Memories will be in Italics~

Young Lucy was out playing in the backyard of the manor that she lived in, she soon noticed that everything was a lot quieter than it usually was when suddenly one of the maids came and brought her inside. Young Lucy was confused for it was usually her mother that came and got her when it was time to return to the manor and not one of the maids, but Lucy soon learned why. She was brought to her father who took her into the master bedroom. Laying in the bed was her mother looking sickly pale and utterly exhausted. Young Lucy could easily tell that something was wrong with her mother. "Is everything alright mother?" She had asked only to be informed that this may be the last time she would ever see her mother again.

The memory repeats a few times before Lucy broke she only lasted 11 minutes. Then it was Grays turn everything started out the way Lucy's had to, all black before the memory started:
It became a village in a white and snowy environment you could see light from all the houses and you could hear all the joyous laughter of the children playing in the snow soon, however there was a loud roar in the distance so loud that it shook the houses of the village and everyone could feel it, the adults started calling their children inside hopefully praying that whatever monster that had made the roar wasn't heading in their directions, but unfortunately it was not meant to be, they started to hear loud footstep like sounds headed their way and they knew that they couldn't stop it even if they tried. We find young Gray with his parents inside their house watching as the pure white snow slowly turns grey and then all the way to pitch black like ash. Young Gray grew scared wondering whether he and his parents were going to survive the monsters attack on their village, he could only hope. The monster showed up in the village and immediately started destroying everything in its path. It didn't care who is killed or what it destroyed. Young Gray watched the whole ordeal not knowing if his friends and family were going to survive. Young Gray soon blacked out but only to wake up to a destroyed village and everyone dead.

Gray continued to watch this for 19 minutes and finally, it was Rogues turn and like everyone else's it started with a black screen:

We see a young Rogue sitting on a tree stump in a forest by a cave reading it's a normal day and all he's waiting for is for his father, Skairdrum, to return with lunch so they can eat and then return to the day's lesson. And so his father returned with the food and they ate but young Rogue could tell that something was off with his father, he had been looking a little sick lately, but today it was worse than any day before. Young Rogue didn't mention it though afraid to anger his father, who since he was a dragon could easily hurt him, so he continued with lunch and lessons with the thought that if it was important his fathers would tell him. Later that night right before going to sleep his father was even more sickly looking and it definitely worried him but he went to sleep thinking that it would be better in the morning. But when young Rogue awoke he noticed that his father was sitting outside the cave where they slept waiting for him. When he asked what they were going to do that day, his father gave him a sad look and started to explain that today they were going to have their final lesson, he explained how he had been sick and how he needed Rogue to kill him. Young Rogue disagreed saying that he could never kill his father, but he soon saw just how much pain his father was in so by the end of the day he agreed to kill him if it absolutely was necessary and it had been done at dusk his father said his last words to his son: "Never let... the shadows... control... you..."

And so the memory ended it had brought people to tears but Rogue stood strong and watched the memory for a whole 25 minutes there for winning the game.

The scores are
Fairy Tail B - 0 points
Blue Pegasus - 2 points
Lamia Scale - 3 points
Quadro Cerberus - 4 points
Raven Tail - 5 points
Fairy Tail A - 6 points
Mermaid Heel - 7 points
Sabertooth - 8 points

~I am so sorry it took me so long to update I haven't really been feeling up to write in the last while but I'm back now and I hope to continue writing more in the future.~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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