Chapter 12

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Carter's POV

I woke up with a really bad headache. I looked at the clock it was only 8:30. I herd somebody in the bathroom and I sat up and Lauren walked in the room.

"Hey." she greeted me sadly

"Hey." I replied back

"I think after breakfast I am going to go over and break up with Alex." she said trying hard not to cry

"Yeah I have to go break up with Austin." I said looking down

We walked downstairs and it was only Joe and Lilly.

"Morning girls! I made omlets and toast!" Joe said in a sing song voice

"Ok thanks. Where is my mom?" I asked him confused

"They needed her at the hospital today." he said 

"Did you have fun last night Lilly?" Lauren asked her

"Yeah of course. I always have fun with Carter!" Lilly said smiling

"Aw I always have fun with you too bugaboo." I said high fiving her.

After breakfast Joe took Lilly to soccer practice and Lauren and I got ready. I threw on a pair of black yoga pants that had leaopard prints on the band, a white cropped sweatshirt, and my running sneakers. I pulled my hair into a low messy pony tail and I put on light makeup so Austin doesn't know that I was crying. Lauren came out of the bathroom and she was wearing grey leggins and a green t shirt. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she had on light makeup too.

"Can you drive me over to his house?" I asked her

"Yeah of course. But how are you going to get home?" she asked confused

"I will just walk." I said shrugging my shoulders

We pulled up to his house and Lauren gave me a hug and told me to text her later. I took a deep breath and walked up to his front door. I rang the doorbell and he opened the door. He looked like he had just woken up.

"Hey Carter. What are you doing here?" he asked trying to kiss me but I dodged his kiss.

"I came here to tell you that we are done. I'm breaking up with you." I said with no emotion at all

"Wait what? Why? Did I do something wrong?" he asked taking a step towards me but I just took one back

"How about making out with Laykin last night at the party? Did you figure you could just toy with me until someone better came along?" I asked him crying now

"Carter I"m sorry I drank way to much and-" but I cut him off

"I don't believe anything you say to me anymore. I trusted you and you lied to me." I said starting to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me close to him but I just slapped him across the face hard.

"Don't fucking touch me! Don't!" I yelled at him

"Just so you know I never did lie to you. I really do love you."

"Really? You have a funny way of showing it." I said sarcastically

"You were different from the start Carter!" he yelled

"Maybe but the thing is Austin I thought you were different! But boy was I wrong. I should have listened to everybody when they told me to stay away from you! Because they were right, I only ended up getting hurt!" I yelled

"So what this is it you are just going to walk away?" he asked angry

"Yeah because you showed me who you really are."

"And who am I Carter?"

"The biggest dick in the school." I said before taking off down his driveway. I ran the rest of the way to my house ignoring the looks I was getting from Lilly, Joe, and my mom. I ran upstairs to my room and closed the door. A book fell off the dresser and I saw it was the old fairy tale book my dad used to read to me. I took it and chucked it across the room because all those stories mean nothing to me now. I was crying on my bed when my mom came in.

"Oh babygirl, I'm so sorry." she said wrapping a blanket around me and bringing me close

"I thought he was different mom but he turned out to be the person everybody said he would be."

"He cheated on me mom." I said 

"I know it is hard now but you will get through this. There are plenty of other boys out there. Look this is only going to be your first broken heart. There are going to be plenty more who break your heart too. But just think about it this way you are just one broken heart closer to meeting your prince charming. Didn't your father always used to say that?" she asked laughing

"I don't believe any of those stories anymore. Not everything is like a fairytale and not everything has happy endings." 

"I know but bad things have to happen so good things can come. I know you probaly think what I'm saying now is stupid but trust me i promsie it isn't." she said getting up

"Wait mom can you stay with me please? I don't really want to be alone right now." I said she smield and wrapped her arms around me

"Of course honey of course.

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