Chapter 1

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Shifting my body weight from left to right, I anxiously wait for Ava-Marie and Nneka to arrive at the bus stop. I'm currently here by myself. Even though they said they'd be here at 6:oo. Ten minutes have passed and more people start to surround the bus stop.

"Q! Q over here!" I hear Nneka's voice scream.  I walk over to her trying to get people to move "Excuse me. Excuse me." I say as I lightly shove people. Being 5'3 doesn't help, and it is definitely not a good thing. I feel someone grab my hand, knowing that it's Nneka's I allow it to pull me out of the crowd. Finally, I reach my best friends giving both of them a hug, then I push them as hard as I can.

"You lying sons of witches! I was out here by myself for TEN MINUTES!" they both laughed at me for saying 'witches' instead of the actual word, I never swear so I don't know why they haven't got used to it yet.

"Shut up, we're here now and so is the bus, so that's all that matters," Ava-Marie snaps at me as she lines up behind someone pulling Nneka and I in front of her, so we could all get on the bus together. We all push ourselves into a seat, with me in the middle, Ava-Marie on the inside and Nneka on the outside. Almost at the exact same time, we pull out our phones and instantly go onto Instagram.

We did this everyday, continuously, since middle school. And we were going to continue this routine, until we decide that we don't want to do this anymore. Which I don't think, is going to be anytime soon.

"We still going to the mall after school today? I really want some stuff from Claire's" Nneka spoke breaking our comfortable silence.  I gave her the side eye, knowing exactly what she meant. Every time we go to the store together, I always and I mean always ended buying everything for them and myself. Not that I had a big problem with it, considering my father is the CEO of The Bank of  America and my mother is a celebrity lawyer. So of course asking them for money is not a problem, as long as I kept getting straight A's. But still I answered her.

"Of course 'Neka just like we do every other Friday" I smirked. We pulled into our school parking lot and everyone stood up, besides us. We stayed put until everyone exited the bus. Once everyone was off the bus, we got off and as soon as my foot hit the pavement, my phone started to ring. It was my brother Elijah, knowing him, he was probably calling to ask for some money. My parents refused to give him anything since he dropped out of college. But my brother and I were tight, we'd do anything for each other.

"What Elijah I'm about to walk into class," I said as the girls and I walked to the schools main entrance.  Nneka pulls the door open, then we walk in. "Damn a nigga can't even get a hello," Nneka laughed as she shook her head. "What do you want boy," I asked again as I rolled my eyes. "Lemme borrow $20 I'll give it back to ya tomorrow," "Ok, but you gotta drop me and the girls off at the mall and pick us up." "That's another $20, I need gas," I could practically hear the grin on his face. "Ugh ok Elijah just be here on time," and with that I ended the call, knowing he would have said something snarky back, if I didn't. "Into class we go ladies," Ava-Marie said. Then our day full of boringness began.


As soon as the bell rang, I gathered all of my stuff. "Have a great weekend everyone," My geometry teacher, Mr. Campbell told everyone as they rushed out of the door. Of course the girls and I were the last students to exit the class room. "Have a good weekend Mr. C," I said to him with a smile, we walk out the class but I stay behind at the door. "Thanks Quasia, see you on Monday." he smiles back.

"We should change out of our uniforms before we go to the mall, and make an actual worth of that extra 20 bucks you're giving Elijah," Ava-Marie suggests as we walk to the end of the hall, making a left turn to the exit. "Yea, I don't wanna be walking around in my uniform all over the damn mall, that's a no-no," Nneka says as she shakes her head. "Ok," I reply agreeing with them. Just as I suspected, when we walked outside Elijah, was not there. "Where is this nappy headed nigga at," Nneka complains as she crosses her arms. "I'm finna call him right now," I take out IPhone 7. "Siri call 'The pain in my butt'". "Calling 'The pain in my butt'". I tap my left foot mentally signing and rolling my eyes, as the phone rung. Before the phone could ring again, for the fourth time, Elijah pulled up in his all black Bentley. The only thing my parents did let him keep since, they had paid off the car note, well that and his condo. I ended the call, and opened the door to the front seat, jumped in and put my seatbelt on, the girls did the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2017 ⏰

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