Chapter One: THERE'S NO TIME TO EXPLAIN! (Lethe's Chapter)

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               “So, what was that about Immortal and James’s new stream?” Sofia asked casually as they sat down in the white chairs that were located outside of the Trident Café, placing the things they ordered on the small, white table between them.

               “Something about how there were SOOO many NovaHD moments in it.” Lethe told her with an eye roll as she began to drink her mocha, while Sofia rolled her eyes. It wasn’t that they didn’t ship NovaHD; it was just that their OTP was ImmortalFox, and that they didn’t really like it when fans noticed another ship “moments” in Creature videos or streams. NovaHD was a normal conversation for Lethe and Sofia; Lethe simply didn’t believe in it because… well, she honestly couldn’t imagine it happening. Sure, it could be a BROTP; but that was about it.

               “Well, ImmortalFox for the win, right?” Sofia said, as the two began laughing. Everything was perfect in the place where they usually had their coffee, though something seemed a little bit… off. It wasn’t just that the other members of the Yo Dood Crew weren’t there; no, it was almost like something strange was going on around the two girls, like something dramatic was about to happen.

               It was then that Sofia noticed a familiar looking figure walking down the street their way. The man was tall, had brown hair, a grey shirt on, blue demi pants, and what seemed to be white pants. But no, that wasn’t what made Sofia realize who it was…

               It was the red Missouri Cardinals hat on his head that made her realize it was the YouTuber Kootra, also known as Jordan, the leader of the Creatures.

               “Lethe…” Sofia started to say, her voice sounding excited and her heart beating fast.


               “Look. Behind. You.” She told her.

               Rolling her eyes, Lethe turned around completely in the chair, expecting nothing to be there. However, she could hear the small fangirlish squeal come out of her throat when Lethe’s eyes landed on the Creature, who had obviously seemed to notice them now.

               “Oh… my… Brown. It’s… fucking kootra?! But how- what. Whaaaaat.” Lethe murmured, making the last “what” sound slightly weird, though that was expected from her.

               Suddenly Jordan, noticing them completely now, starting walking towards them, a… smirk on his face?  That’s strange, Sofia thought, confused. Jordan never smirks…

               As Jordan started speed walking towards them, a familiar car suddenly appeared by the sidewalk where they were eating and drinking their different types of mocha. Sofia recognized it immediately as JJ’s car, while it took Lethe a moment to recognize his car.

               “Get in! Fucking get in now! There’s no time to explain!” JJ yelled at them, glancing out the window towards Jordan, who was only about 50 feet away from the girls. “Get. The. Fuck. In. NOW!”

               Confused, both girls quickly grabbed their items and walked over to the car, both girls sitting in the back of his normal looking car.

               “What the fuck is going on?!” Sofia shouted as she looked out of the window to see Jordan closer than he had been before, being, at most, twelve feet away from the car. JJ quickly began to drive away from the site, not caring if he bumped into anyone’s car or if he went past the speed limit.

               “JJ, what is going on?” Lethe asked, her voice showing that she was very confused and yet, entertained that he was actually speeding past the regular limit of 72 MPH.

               “Remember how that we saw that one girl tweet something about how the Creatures had kidnapped her and was ‘trying to brainwash her’? And how the Creatures had talked about it on Creature Talk, laughing and saying how it was probably advertising some fanfiction or whatever? And how, right after that happened, like, two weeks later, the girl suddenly became one of their artists or whatever?” JJ asked them.

               “Yeah… What does that have to do with anything, nerd?” Sofia told him softly, glancing at Lethe as if JJ was crazy and they were the only sane ones. Which, wasn’t true at all.

               “Well, turns out the girl wasn’t lying. At all. Now, before you yell at me thinking that I’m lying to you or making something up, something strange happened today. Something… Just. Ugh. Anyways, when I was playing League of Legends earlier, my computer screen suddenly went black for like five minutes. I tried fixing it,  trying every trick in the book to get it working. But, alas, nothing worked. Then when it finally turned on, something strange had popped up; it was like, an IP tracking thing or whatever. I was confused on which one of you nerds had put it on the computer. But then, strangely, five minutes later, I got a fucking message from Sly on tumblr from our group thing, saying that he ‘loved’ our stories and that he wanted to add us on Skype. Even stranger, our phone lines went dead right after he sent that message, and I started to get suspicious. I sent him my Skype name anyways, and a minute later, he messaged me a question asking me what I was doing right then. That’s when I started piecing shit together… but it was too late. They have our IP address, guys. Something is going on, and it seems that…”

               “We’re in the middle of it all.” Sofia finished, her voice making it hard to figure out what she was feeling.

               “What the actual fuck.” Lethe stated, her eyes widened in horror and curiosity. “This sounds like some fucked up TV show.”

               Suddenly, something rammed into the car, causing the car to spin around momentarily as JJ cursed and Lethe screamed.

               “WHAT THE-“ She shouted as she looked at the car, recognizing it as the Movie Night car that the Creatures used.

               “HOLY SHIT!” JJ shouted as he realized who the driver of the car was…

               It was none other than the most sarcastic of the group.




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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2014 ⏰

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