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Juliet’s POV:

I tucked a piece of my light blonde hair behind my ear as I organized some papers into boldly colored folders the storage room was small but the furniture was evenly spaced out and the windows were grand enough to create the illusion of space. “Juliet?” I jump and place my hand over my chest as my eyes whipped to face a smiling Margret, “Jesus Margret you’re going to kill me of a heart attack one day!” I teased as I returned to my paper organizing nothing big, just some patient files. I heard Margaret slip out a dry laugh, “Good thing you’re in a hospital eh?” her voice oozed sarcasm as she scurried along to adjust a scattered file back into place, “Dr. C wants to see you.” Her voice was soft. I set my paper into her hands and made my way down the corridor and with each step I took I felt my breathing grow heavier as terrible thoughts reeled inside my head: I wasn’t in trouble was I? I mean I haven’t done anything wrong. Okay maybe I swiped a fruit cup or two, but that’s it! Oh God can I be fired because of it?

By the time I reached Dr. Caulfield’s office I was struck with grief and sudden sadness that I could barely steady myself as I clutched the door knob and turned it slightly around. I peeked into the room and I cleared my throat, softly. Dr. C was scanning some patient files and he swiped his perched glasses off before rubbing his eyes and gesturing with his hands for me to come in, “Please sit, Julie.” I could hear the metallic screeching as he swirled around his chair. I timidly place my bottom on the comfy upholstery.

“Listen Julie I-”

“Look Dr. Caulfield I swear it was only two fruit cups. Please, I won’t do it again like ever!” I pleaded before he could finish his sentence. Of course I knew I was sounding desperate, but I really need this job. It pays and nothing makes me happier than being able to assist others in need and they can’t take it away from me over a couple fruit cups!

My anxiety eased when Dr. C’s creased face smoothed over and he chuckled. His fingers pinching the bridge of his nose tightly, “Julie what are you talking about?”

“I thought that you were uh f-firing me?” I spat reluctantly and almost immediately felt the apple of my cheeks burn in embarrassment because not only- judging by his voice- was I not getting fired but I confessed I was the one swiping the left over fruit cups! But who could blame me? They are to die for! He placed his hand on top of his desk and his fingers tapped to an inaudible beat, “Julie I’m not firing you! But unfortunately I am transferring you to a different unit.”

I was shocked and slightly disappointed; I’ve been working for Dr. C for over two years now.

He cleared his throat and I look back to him but the dead serious glare in his eye makes me nervous so I focus on the many diplomas that decorated his office. “Juliet Carter, I know this never really happens but a friend of mine, she called and asked for a brilliant nurse and you were the only one who came to mind.”

My hand smoothed over my bare arm and carefully dodged the sore spot hidden under the starch white uniform. I fiddled around for an excuse honestly, I didn’t want to move away from Dr. C or Margaret or the fruit cups. “Look Dr. Caulfield working here is an honor and I’d really like to stay here.” I tried to persuade him to let me stay but he would not budge. Instead he leaned closer and beckoned me with his finger, “Juliet they told me they need my most caring and amazing nurse and it would be a sin for you to not seize the opportunity.”

“Is the hospital far?” I asked a bit more secure about the job exchange. Dr. C shook his head violently and scooted back his chair and stood up, “No it’s actually a block or two from here.” I thought to myself but the only place seeming to a hospital is this rehab facilitation called Happy Horizons? New Ray of Hope, maybe? I wasn’t too sure so I asked.

Modern Romeo & JulietOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora