The story of Ditto (pokemon)

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As the doors of the TV opened Pokémon jumped out, running to there normal habitats.Catapie to the woods, zubat to the woods.but Zitto had no were to go, no one to help him. He did not know this world , this world did not know him. He heard voices in the distance. He did what he naturally know to do, prepare to fight. However when it started to approche closer it was another zitto.female. Normally zittos don't stay together so he ran away. And he heard her leave to.

It had been 5 hours till he last saw a fellow Pokémon and the sun was starting to set. He was hungry and tired. He knew he was not going to make it the night. So he just found a comfortable patch of grass and fell asleep. He had the most wonderful dream;

He was wondering through the woods and saw a trainer. He was hungry so he jumped in front of the trainer and prepared to fight. He was happy because he was in his world, safe. The trainer caught him. He gladly jumped in a poke-ball and he was awaiting getting recharged. Suddenly he was awoken by a large BANG and he peaked outside noticing he was still by his trainer awaiting being recharged. There was a large jolt up and he got recharged then his owner ran to a gym. He got put on fight and won!

When ditto finally awoke he was in a young girls arms and she was carding for him. He saw her as his new trainer even though she did not own any poke-balls and did not catch him. He saw her as his trainer purely because she loved him.


tune in tomorrow (if I remember) for another story

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