Chapter I

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The start of the day for Toryn was normal enough. She woke up, washed up, got dressed, and headed out. Pretty normal, right?
She walked to school and waited on her friends, Jae, Joy, Lani, and Ally. But they never showed up.
'They better have a good reason for ditching me!' she thought.
As Toryn walked to school, she noticed that something was off.
"Where is everybody," she thought aloud.
The parking lot in front of the school was devoid of life, only a stray grocery bag being blown by the breeze. Even as she walked through the halls, there was still no sign of anyone. It was eerily quiet.
' Ok, was today an off day or something? They should've told me. That or this is just a really wide scale prank.'
she thought as she walked through the double doors.
The bell rang. "Oh, I guess it is that time. I'm the only one here, though," she said as she roamed the school building.
"I am a bit hungry. I wonder if they have any leftovers. No one will care if I take them anyway."
And with that, Toryn made her way to the cafeteria.

"I can't believe them. I would at least think that they would tell me that there was no school today. Some friends they are. Strange though, why were the school doors open? I would think tha-"
Toryn had to cut her sentence short as she entered the cafeteria to a strange sight.
There, in the middle of the cafeteria, standing on a table, was her good friend, Jae. What made the situation more confusing was Jae's outfit.
Jae was wearing a black blazer, black linen slacks, black dress shoes, and a white dress shirt with a bowtie. The bowtie, however, was colored green and brown, with small crackles that made it look like broken ground. He also had a wallet chain hanging on his left side. On his head was a black fedora with a leaf sticking out of the left side. He had dark tinted sunglasses on his face, and was standing in what only could be described as a bodyguard pose, his arms folded in front of him.
Wearing a suit was no strange thing for Jae, which is why Toryn wasn't that surprised. But Jae would NEVER wear green, and he never dressed up on Tuesday. Did she mention it was Tuesday? That aside, Jae would also never stand on top of a table, school day or not, so Toryn was more than surprised to see the quiet, conservative Jae doing this.
"Um..." Toryn started.
'What the hell is this!!!' Toryn thought.
"What the hell is what?" Jae spoke.
'Wait, he can read my mind?? WTF!!'
"I'm not reading your mind."
'Wait, so am I saying this out loud?'
"OK, Back up a bit here. What are you doing here? Where is everyone?"
"I believe you wanted some food."
"That's not the point here! I'm asking wha-"
Jae smirks at Toryn as she blushes in embarrassment. 'Damn that condescending smirk,' Toryn thought.
Jae pulls out a pack of pop-tarts and tosses them to Toryn.
"Where did you even get these from?" Toryn asks as she catches the pop-tarts.
Jae just smirks and puts a finger to his lips in a shushing motion.
'Won't tell, huh?'  Toryn thinks as she takes a bite of her pop-tart.
"So, good friend, would you mind telling me what's going on today?"
Jae makes a face that almost looks like a pout, almost, as if having expected Toryn to forget about the subject at hand.
"Seriously, Jae? Of course I'd ask why the entirety of the student body seems to be missing."
Jae just sighs heavily.
Toryn doesn't get to finish her word as Jae disappears right before her eyes.
"Woah. How did he do that?" she says awestruck. "And what did he mean by 3rd?"
The bell rings.
"3rd period? It's only 2nd though."
Figuring that it's a good enough guess, Toryn heads to her 3rd period.

"Ugh, I wish I could teleport. It would make things so easy," Toryn says tiredly as she climbs the last flight of stairs. As she walks down the hallway, she noticed that most of the lights were off, and those that were on were blinking creepily.
"Dang, this is like a horror movie. At least I'm almost to the classroom." Toryn said.
Toryn finally sees her classroom. 'Hard not to. It's the only one with the lights on.' she thought.
The first thing Toryn sees when she enters the classroom is Jae in his usual seat... knitting....Jae is knitting.......
'WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO????' she screams in her head.
Taking her eyes off of that disturbing sight, she is met with an even more disturbing sight.
The students and teacher from her third period, French, are there, but their eyes are gone. No, it'd be more accurate to say that their eyes were never there in the first place. It's like and endless black void swirling with emptiness and destruction. Their mouths are the same, twisted into a sickly, pernicious smile.
Toryn can't help but to freeze in fear. She hears the door slam behind her.
"J-J-Jae, w-what's going on?"
Jae looks up from his knitting.
'Thank God he looks normal' Toryn sighs in relief. But it is short-lived as the French teacher, Ms.Frankreich, turns around to face her. She has the same face as the rest, but hers seems more sinister somehow. Toryn can't put her name on it, but deciphering that isn't her biggest concern right now.
She immediately makes her way to Jae's seat.
"Jae, what the fuck is this?"
Now that Toryn is closer, she can see that Jae's knitting needles are sharp enough to cut, but that didn't matter right now in her mind. She just wanted to get Jae and get the hell out of here.
"You asked me what was going on. This is the answer to your question." Jae responded.
"This," Toryn gestured with her hands, " doesn't answer anything."
Toryn doesn't receive an answer as the rest of the students start to move in their direction, with Frankreich leading them. Jae just sighs.
Toryn looks into the teachers eyes once more, and is finally able to discern that sinister feeling. Bloodlust. It was bloodlust, and it was a lot of it.
All of a sudden, in the blink of an eye, there was a needle in Frankreich's head, dead between her eyes.
Toryn looks back to see Jae's hand extended and one of his needles gone.
Jae stands from his seat, a second needle in his hand.
Faster than the eye can see, Jae throws the second needle into the head of the student closest to Toryn.
'What is this?'
Toryn sees a desk move beside her and looks over, only to see the wooden part of the desk break into needle-like splinters, which then proceed to float, FLOAT into Jae's hands.
'What is happening?'
Toryn can only watch in awe as Jae completely obliterates all the ghost-like beings in the room.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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