Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I laughed at Peter and gave him a hug. "Yea, because I believe that." I giggled. I snuggled Cole closer to me. "Did you grab medicine?" I asked. Peter nodded his head and we walked into the kitchen. I set Cole on the counter and watched as Peter got the medicines out and placed them on the counter. I searched through the medicine and read each label carefully. Trying to find the best one for my little Cole. It took me five minutes to find the one that I wanted, but i found it and gave some to Cole. I then rocked Cole to sleep while Peter put the medicine in a cupboard.

I laid Cole in his crib and then sat on the couch. Peter came and sat down next to me, I laid my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my waist. We walked about anything and everything. Thats all I can remember because I fell asleep sometime during one of our talks.

I got up just as the sun was coming up. I was laying in my bed, and my mind instantly went to last night. Peter must have carried me in here last night. I smiled to myself and got up. I walked into the kitchen and I got out a cookie sheet and placed slices of bread on it. I slipped the sheet into the oven. I got out a jar of peanut butter, Peter is addicted to the stuff, and some nutella. I placed them on the table. I took the bread out of the oven, and placed it on the table as well. I walked into each of the boys room and woke them up, and sent them to the table.

I walked to Peter's room and opened the door. He was passed out in his bed. I laughed quietly and snuck farther into the room. I laid on the bed next to him, and snuggled into his chest. Peter wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close. I smiled to myself evilly, and let out an ear piercing scream. Peter freaked out and flung himself out of his bed and onto the floor. I laughed as he sat up. "What was that for?" he asked rubbing his head. I giggled and replied "Breakfast" and skipped out of his room.

I sat down at the table and made each boy a slice of toast, and passed it down to him. Peter came in the dining room and mumbled a good morning to the boys. I had to suppress my laugh that threatened to spill out of my mouth. Peter shot me a look as he sat down. I passed his toast down and Cole started to cry. I got up and went to go take care of Cole. I cooed as I grabbed him and hugged him close. I sat us down on the living room floor and changed his diaper. A hand was placed in front of my face and I looked up to meet Peter's hazel eyes. I let a smile spread across my face and grabbed his hand. Peter pulled me up and grabbed Cole so I could go eat, help the other boys.

I finished my breakfast, and helped the boys clean up. The boys went to make their beds and pick up their rooms. Peter had fallen back asleep on the couch with Cole. I decided to go for a walk. I went to hunters room and told him I was going on a walk. I closed his door behind me and walked out the front door. I walked down the riverbank where I usually do laundry. I tried to balance on the edge of the small edge between the river and the grass, the drop was probably only two feet. I turned around and almost fell over when I heard noises coming from behind me. "Peter, stop trying to scare me." I said as I put my hands on my hips. I heard laughter that sounded familiar but I couldn't tell who it was, at least I couldn't until he came out into the open.

"I see Peter cannot save you now"

sorry its so short! I have been so busy lately and I am just like UGHHH!so yea sorry

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