Grey's Anatomy Chapter 3

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Christina, and Burke, are still having some issues in there relationship Burkes hand is not good he might not be able to use it ever again and wants to tell the chief.
But for Christina"s, own good she tells Burke, not to because they will work together so that's what happened but now his hand is getting worse.
So he disobeys Christina, and tells the chief about everything the chief gets upset because he was going to put him as the next chief.
They do surgery on Burkes, arm and fixes it. Is is a great day for Burke, and Christina. Meredith, and Derek, get back together and takes this relationship very serious. 
That's when Burke, asks Christina, if she will marry him.
She says she would think about it. The next day Christina, talks to Meredith about it and asks for her opinion.
Meredith says if she loves Burke, then why not go right ahead and do it. Christina, says that it's because she is. It use to this kind of stuff and is very scared.
But at the end of the day she makes her choice its a yes, they start getting repaired for there wedding day.
It's here there wedding day they are both terrified. Christina, gets called out to walk down the isle.
She doesn't come out Burke gets convinced that she is making other opinions.
So Burke, walks in to Christina, and asks her if she wants to do this and she repeatedly says yes, I'm sure. He told Christina, that this was his last time asking.
So are you sure Burke, asks no I'm not Christina says and I don't want to do this I just didn't want to hurt your feelings but honestly I don't think I'm the marrying type.
Everybody leaves but Meredith, and Derek, they brake up once again because they don't think that it's the right thing right now.
Addison leaves because she misses some of her old friends and he brother. If you are interested keep reading! There's more!

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