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I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry because when you look at me your eyes are bright and the flames inside have been ignited. The passion and fury that light up your body is an overwhelming heat that I am not able to meet. For you are a volcano, with lava spilling from your lips, and smoke and ash clouding your thoughts. And I am nothing but the cold, harsh depths of the ocean, below freezing degrees.

I know you hope your lava will melt my frozen façade. But the truth is that as soon as the molten rock reaches my shore, you will become nothing but frozen too. Yet you keep trying, fresh lava overlapping the previous as you hope to bring warmth to my cool interior but I assure you that I am too cold for you.

For my heart is an iceberg, a hard shell that sits within the ocean that is me. An iceberg in which refuses any warmth to come near me. It is forever melting into my waters, keeping me cool, but my iceberg never shrinks so I shall forever remain indestructible to your heat.

So I ask of you to stop spilling the lava from your lips into the depths of my ocean. For the only thing that will ever warm my surface is the sun beams upon us, and you are not the sun. My iceberg only melts under his burning rays, and the bright light that casts across my body. And even though he is a million miles from me, I am sorry, because he's the only one that can warm me.

So swallow your lava and clear your smoke, take your volcano somewhere else. For your towering body stands over me, creating a shadow. The peak of your mountain blocking the light from the only one who can melt me. And for that, it should be you who is sorry.

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