Chapter Four

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Jackson tugged on his pants, eager to get back to work before his boss noticed his absence. Charlotte sat up in bed, hugging the satin sheets around her half-naked body.

"Going so soon?" she asked.

"Yeah I'm still on duty," He explained, shrugging on his shirt and leaving the bedroom. Charlotte put on a robe and followed him out.

"So call me if you have any more questions about the case!!" She shouted sarcastically as he closed the front door behind him.

She was proud of herself for not losing her temper and stabbing the horny officer. She knew she would need him later. As for now, she was pretty sure she wasn't a suspect anymore.

Even though the night was young, Charlotte was exhausted and went back to bed.


The next morning she turned on the TV and flipped to the news channel. The busty reporter was telling the story of Nate Grey, who commited suicide by jumping off a 40-story building yesterday morning. Charlotte smirked at how easy it was to fool the cops.

She put on a flowered sundress and headed out of her penthouse apartment to a smoothie bar down the street. She got a strawberry smoothie and flirted outrageously with the guy over the counter, who gave her his phone number. She sat down at a small streetside table and, to her dismay, began reminiscing about her childhood.

After her father's death, she lived with her grandma and continued commiting murders whenever she was bored without getting caught. The afternoon of her graduation, she slipped a chemical in her grandma's tea which caused cardic arrest. Using money stolen from victims, she bought a modern penthouse apartment in Toronto.

Doing occasional modeling for local boutiques and taking money from victims is how she paid rent and bought anything she wanted. She was very smart and knew how to make deaths look like accidents, suicides, or someone else's fault.

She finished her smoothie and headed to the Dollar Store to buy 12 stuffed animals with large plastic eyes. She brought them home. and set them on the bed. Sitting cross-legged, she proceded to hack the eyes out of the stuffed moose in front of her.

Charlotte practiced on all the stuffed animals until she could get the eyeballs out with minimal damage to their eye sockets and other facial features. Satisfied, she put her knife back and headed to the gym.


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