Chapter 4

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Scott sighed and took another drink of his beer. He had to admit, the sunsets there in Wakanda looked rather nice. The fresh air was great. Nice and peaceful. He hesitantly returned his attention from the sky back to the notebook in front of him. He had just been filling it with letters to Cassie and a few others. He had been doing it since their first week there. He figured it'd make him feel better, and for the most part it did. He was a fourth of a page in to a new letter to his daughter. He was too caught in his own little world he hadn't heard the others approach.
"There you are." Wanda said with a smile.
Scott jumped and turned to look over his shoulder to see Scarlet Witch and oh... Just Captain America. He quickly shut his notebook. He then turned back, sporting an innocent smile.
"Hey. What's up? Were you looking for me?" Scott played it off coolly.
"A little bit." Steve gave a half smile.
"Oh, what for? If Barton said I did something... I probably didn't do it." Scott looked between the two, curiously.
"That makes you sound guilty." Wanda sat next to him at the rather fancy looking picnic table.
"It does? Well, I'll make a better defense next time." Scott smiled.
"You really should." Wanda's eyes drifted to the notebook on the table.
"... Right, so, what... Did you need me for?" Scott sounded a tad nervous now.
"If we're bothering you we can go. We just wanted to check on you." Steve explained.
"No! No. You're not bothering me at all. I was just out enjoying the view and thinking and blah blah who cares." Scott chuckled, a hint of skepticism on his face.
"What's this?" Wanda pointed to the notebook.
"It's a notebook. You ever use 'em?" Scott grinned.
"A diary?" She inquired.
"Not really. It's, ah, letters." Scott shrugged a bit.
"You got a secret girlfriend you're keeping from us?" Cap chuckled and took a seat on the other side of the table across from Scott.
"I'm single," Scott said a little too eagerly, "ah... I mean, they're to my daughter." He added quieter.
"What's her name?" Wanda asked rather interested now.
"Cassie. And I am not excited for when she's your age." Scott joked.
"Whys that?" Wanda faked an offended look.
"Cause she's gunna be beautiful but can't throw boys out a window with her mind." Scott gave a small laugh and took a drink.
"It does come in handy." Wanda rested her head in her hands.
"Maybe she'll be able to do that physically instead." Cap chimed in. They all laughed.
"I wouldn't doubt it! If she's anything like her dad, she'll definitely be able to throw a punch." Scott said through his laughter.
"If she's anything like her father I would worry for her." Wanda smirked.
"Ok, hey, you need to spend less time around Barton. You already sound just like him." Scott smiled despite himself.
"Maybe he's just right about you." She retorted.
"Aw c'mon, I thought you were cool. You're suppose to hang out with the cool people, Wanda. Which means anyone but Barton." Scott whined.
"He's cooler than you though." Wanda resisted a laugh.
"Ouch. Leave me with some kind of self worth." Scott grabbed the front of his shirt to emphasize the injury to his pride.
"Well, I think you're cooler than him. Just don't tell him." Cap smiled.
"I bet you said the same thing to Clint." Wanda quickly replied.
"Even if you didn't mean it, it means a lot to me." Scott could feel his face heating up.
"Well, I did not say the same thing to Clint. So there." Cap defended with a smile.
"Yet." Wanda added.
"Really?" Cap looked unimpressed at her.
"Don't look at me like that. You're the one who invited me along." Wanda said rather mischievously.
Cap had looked disappointed yet amused by her. Wanda looked rather proud of herself. Scott looked between the two trying to figure out what exactly was going on. Then with a smile for goodbye, she got up and went back inside.
"... What was that about...?" Scott asked confused.
"Nothing. She just, ah," Cap looked for an excuse, "ok, honestly I did ask her to come along." He sighed.
"I figured if she did you'd talk more." Steve admitted.
"You wanted to talk to me...?" Scott didn't mean to sound like he didn't believe it.
"Yeah. We've been here for a while and we've barely interacted. Thought I should fix that." Steve explained.
"... Oh. Sorry." Was all Scott could manage to say.
"It's fine. You've just kind of kept your distance from everyone, am I right? I mean, besides Barton."
"I don't mean to. Really. It's still just, ya know, wow. I mean you've all saved the world and all that, ya know?" Scott said rather quietly.
"You have too."
"Yeah, and it's still kinda weird to think I did that. I mean you guys are a totally different league." Scott chuckled.
"Scott look, you're one of us. You've proven that. You risked a lot to help us- to help me. And it means a lot. You may as well have saved my best friend. Without you we'd all probably be in that prison, and Bucky would've been executed by T'Challa. I owe you a lot. And I honestly would like to know just a bit about the guy I owe. Itd be great if we could actually be friends instead of just teammates. It is up to you. I'm just saying, were equals here, Scott." Steve said in his confident, speech giving voice.
"... Wow... That was..." Scott was honestly speechless. Cap even called him 'Scott' instead of 'Lang.'
"... How long have you been writing to your daughter?" Steve broke the silence.
"Oh, um... I've usually written a couple a week. Decent amount in here." Scott gave a small smile.
"You never thought of sending them...?"
"Honestly I'd be too scared too," Scott leaned closer, "her step dad is a cop." He whispered.
"That really why?"
"I just... Feel it'd be best to wait until I'm not quite hiding from the world." Scott smiled sadly.
"I understand." Cap said quietly.
"I miss her so much though..."
Scott didn't mean for that to slip out. Cap looked away in what Scott imagined to be guilt. Exactly why he didn't want that to slip out.
"No, I didn't mean to... Sorry, look it just-" Scott scrambled to fix the problem.
"No, no. Its..." Cap shook his head.
"I don't blame you. I really don't." Scott forced a smile.
"... Thanks." Cap smiled his perfect smile to Scott.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." Steve nodded.
"Are you ok, ok?" Scott rested his head in his hands.
"... Honestly, who can be here?" Steve said quietly.
"Do you mean here in this place or here in this time?" Scott took a sip of his drink. Steve gave him a questioning look before looking away.
"That's an awfully deep question coming from you." Steve smiled a bit.
"You seem like an awfully deep guy. Besides, it'd be great if we could be friends." Scott shrugged. Steve flashed a smile before going quiet.
"... Things are never going to be the same after all this..." He finally mumbled.
"... Probably not." Scott quietly agreed.
Cap opened his mouth to reply but stopped once he saw the door open. Scott followed Steve's gaze to see Clint walk out. The archer smiled at the both of them.
"Wanda said you two were out here. And that you guys were talking about me. I kinda hope she was joking." Clint chuckled and sat down next to Scott.
"We were actually just talking about how you're the biggest moron we know." Scott smiled.
"Seriously?" Clint looked to cap for some kind of confirmation.
"Well..." Cap rolled his eyes.
"Good to know I'm loved." Clint grinned.
"To death." Scott scoffed.
"Yeah, well... Dinner is about done. Wilson wanted me to let you guys know. Unless you two plan on spending the evening together." Clint laughed and elbowed Scott.
"No, we're good, thanks. We'll be there." Steve smiled.
"Ooh, you just got rejected." Clint snickered.
"Shut up." Scott sighed.
He went to take another drink. Just short of his lips, Clint snatched the bottle away. Scott tried to object, but couldn't think of a nice way of calling Clint an asshole in front of Steve. He frowned even more when he saw Clint happily take a drink from it.
"You know I hate you right?" Scott sighed.
"Right back at ya." Clint smirked.
"Well I'll see you two later then." Scott huffed and stood up.
"Aw I just got here." Clint smiled.
"Wow, there must be some correlation there." Scott shrugged.
"See you later, Lang." Cap gave a small wave.
"Later Cap!" Scott smiled and headed inside.

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