Chapter 11

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Phil's POV

I shook my head at Jack after he told me what happened. I ran out of the Hufflepuff common room and sprinted to the Slytherin common room.

I knocked on the door, thinking it would be rude to come in. The picture opened to see a Slytherin girl open it. She had lovely blonde hair and a fedora that was perched on her head.

"Phil?" She asked and tilted her head. I nodded.


"Ellie. Look, Dan has had enough today. I've been trying to get him to feel better for the last hour."

I nod, confusingly, as she shuts the door on me.

Dan's POV

I hear mumbled voices from the door of the common room and see Ellie close the door and turn around.

"It was Phil." She said quietly, I lowered my head.

"Let him in then," I whispered. She tilted her head.

"I told him to go away...." she responded.


Knock. Knock.

"Dan, please open up!" I heard Phil's voice from outside. I shot a glance at Ellie, her blonde hair covering her face.

I slowly walked over to the door and creaked it open.


A/N ~

hey guys!!!!! i am so so so sorry that this is late (and sorry it's short, to make up for it I will post another chapter tomorrow)! I have been so freaking busy this week! this chapter is dedicated to (Ellie in the chapter) thank you so much for commenting and being a part of the book!

also! i made a youtube channel (link in my bio) go subscribe!

(i know i mentioned it before but it wasn't in this book yet so yeah)

- Kat is out! <3 *franticly does homework, and theatre tech (ik im a nerd), and youtube, and wattpad omg s o  b u s y)

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