perfection Perfection

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My Boyfriend is a “PERFECTIONIST” No fear and no question. So is my best friend so that’s why and also their class captains together so they spend more time. He’s always getting A’s and I’m getting B’s Or A-‘s. But today in Maths he was getting stuff wrong so I joked with him then he got pissed at me because I got pissed and him because he joked with me and then I got this question wrong because it supposedly had two parts to it and I didn’t know so I got pissed at myself because my best subject is Maths and it is the only subject I’m Failing to say so. Then we got to Indonesian and my teacher said that she failed year 12 multiple choice quiz on maths but she got an A on the short answer quiz. But as I finished last time my best friend has a fantastic boyfriend because after she broke up with my number one boyfriend (and by number one I mean my first boyfriend) and he had told me that he had a crush on her. So when she broke up with my ex he asked her out and she said maybe then I went up to her and said “if you don’t out with him I will!!!!!” So she said yes but he ended up another school so she’s always missing him and she’s now flirting with my boyfriend and I hate it. My Boyfriend and I are always fighting but that’s why we have such a strong connection. We’re always calling each other a BITCH or a FAGGOT or some other name. Then my other friend from year two said to the school captain that I was going out with my boyfriend and he knows my mum so I totally went off at my friend and would have killed him I couldn’t. But he said the school captain wouldn’t tell anyone so I calmed down. I am totally off the subject but I get pissed really easy but I can’t hold a grudge for more than 7 or so hours. But when someone disses Harry Potter or Glee I go off at them and I mean it. That the same if someone calls me a name or any of my friends or even if someone snoops or steals something I hold grudge I get them back and then let it go. But at times I am over protective but then it always pays off in a way. But my boyfriend’s second eldest brother calls me the “Midget Fridget”  and I have to let it pass for the moment but the other  day he told me he either told his parents or they found out and I’m like OH CRAP!!!!!!!! But at the 3 and 4th periods of Indonesian he was doing his weird accent and he cracks me up and I went red and started crying because I was laughing so bloody hard and I couldn’t believe that he was so funny and so fricken tall. I’m like 147cm and he’s 175 for fucks sake and even if I stand on my god for saken tippy toes  I’m still like 14 or so cm to short so it is impossible to see eye to eye unless he bends down completely.

I feel so bloody short around them so I really can’t do anything to make myself taller because we can’t wear heels or anything to make myself taller because in our year 7 co-coordinator words “The School council says you have to wear the proper uniform cause if they said we had to wear bikinis to school we would have to!”

And I Think that is so fuckin’ gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you probably do as well!!!!!!  The thing is though this whole story isn’t what you think if you know what I mean but as I said before my mum is jobless and doesn’t do anything all day picks me up from nan’s, drops me at school and picks me up form school. She has the most exciting life in the whole world. (SARCASUM!!!!)  HAHAHAHAHA The thing I mostly love at school at the moment is the emailing we email each other ASAP if something hilarious happened. Like I emailed my math teacher the answer to a riddle that he was giving out choc wedges to whoever could answer correctly. I got it right and sent him the answer to him and he sent back…. “No choc wedges left L HAHAHAHA”

And I thought that was totally bitchy off by 100% off my best friend hitting on my boyfriend so yeah not very high anyway. But I’m still pissed that everyday she’s flirting with him though she denies it but the more you deny it the more it is really true. But she has nothing to do of a lunch (or so she says it!) Than hang with us and the school captain and flirt with him but before we went and played soccer again I didn’t have anything to do so I’d follow my boyfriend around but as I turned my back he’d run away so I think he has a crush on her too!!!!!!!

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