Chapter Fourteen

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Jake, Harley, and Ryan arrived at the royal dinner together. Harley cut a spectacular figure in her new dress. Her turquoise hair was up, with little white flowers that Percy had found for her poked in and around the bun. Jake and Ryan were both donned in their medieval outfits. They looked handsome, with their hair brushed neatly down. They fidgeted, pulling at the sleeves and stretching the neck holes. The pants were a little tight for their liking and the shoes squeaked and slipped on the stone floors. Two castle guards dressed in royal regalia opened the large wooden doors for them, the sound of chatter and music washing over them. Entering the dining hall was like stepping into a completely different world once again. The hall was a grand space. Stone pillars surrounded the outskirts; on each one hung a sconce shaped like a griffin, with flames billowing from their backs. The roof loomed above them. The illumination from the sconces made the stained-glass windows scatter coloured light.

At the far end of the hall, on a slightly higher platform, lay the King's dining table. King Malcolm sat in the middle. He was dressed in a loose white long sleeved shirt, a navy and green tartan sash fell from his shoulder to his waist fastened with a silver pin. For the first time, Jake saw King Malcolm with his crown. It was a plain golden circlet with four arches that met in the middle and a globe surmounted on top. Jake was surprised by the simplicity of the piece.

On King Malcolm's left was Sir Richal, on his right was an empty chair. Women and men from his counsel occupied the remaining seats. They were all dressed in exquisite colours and shrouded with gold.

Down on the hall's main floor, two long tables sat on opposite sides of the room, facing one another. The tables were decorated with plates fashioned from horn, silver chalices, wrought iron forks and knives, and tall candles that had been burning for so long that the wax had dripped down the stem and onto the table.

In the corner, a band of four were playing wooden flutes, mandores, and tambour drums. The melody was soft and pretty. Some of the distinguished guests swayed back and forth to the tune.

King Malcolm spotted Jake, and beckoned him over, patting the empty seat next to him.

Jake turned to Ryan and Harley, the latter giving him an impressed look. "You've made a real impact on this King, haven't you?"

"Yeah, I don't know why." Jake shrugged.

"I do." Harley smiled warmly.

Jake's heart skipped a beat.

"You better not keep him waiting." Harley waved him off.

Jake walked over to Malcolm and sat in the seat the King had saved for him.

The night was in full swing. Corbin had snared Ryan from Harley, leaving her by the side of the room. She watched the patrons dance in perfectly choreographed movements. Sir Haviland emerged from the crowd, appearing at Harley's side. She looked up at him and smiled a polite acknowledgement before returning her gaze to the dancers.

Sir Haviland leaned in close, his lips almost grazing Harley's ear. "I see you received my gift." He motioned towards the dress.

Harley sprung back from him, unable to suppress a squeal of delight. "You gave me this?"

"Yes my lady." Sir Haviland looked her up and down.

"Thank you. It's beautiful," Harley said. "But why?"

"A beautiful girl needs a beautiful dress," Haviland said.

She blushed. "I'm Harley." She put her hand out. Haviland took it tenderly and kissed the back of it. Harley was awed by the man's chivalry; it didn't hurt that he was extremely handsome. His blond hair flowed to his shoulders and his jawline looked like it was made of steel.

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