Deceased, Dead, But Loved (Laughing Jack X Reader)

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You wake up a loud thud in the kitchen waking you suddenly. A dreaded scream rattles from downstairs in terror you jump out of bed and run to were the sound approached from. The darkness of the halls seemed to get darker and narrower as you ran faster. You make your way into the kitchen panting heavily from your adrenilin kicking in. Blood was splattered all over your once white walls. A long thick blood trail traveled to your bare aching feet.  The trail leaded to a tall ,monochrome clown that stood there , blood splattered all over his lanky body. As you look down you see your mangled and decapitated friend dead. Tears spill from your (y/c) eyes.

"How could you? They were my only friend?" you barely mumble put. The pain of seeing them brings you to your knees. Your so heartbroken about your friend the thought of a killer infront of you doesnt seem to phase you.  The killer clown just smirked while chuckling like a mad man. 

"Simply. They were in my way. " He walked towards you with his head up proudly making him even more terrifiying and taller than he already was. The air in your lungs escape as you gasp for breath. You glance around trying to find something you can defend yourself with. You grab a tall , thin , light blue , glass lamp that your dead grandmother gave to you. It would be a shame to break it but your life is on the line. As he walked demonically laughing towards your direction, you swing but miss as he hits it to the ground. Pieces of the lamp shaddered into millions. More tears dwell up in your eyes. 

Deceased, Dead, But Loved (Laughing Jack X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now