5 years of Tears.

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They All told me that no one had saw my mother come or go. All they say that the rain fell for many days. But I never thought that she would make the news. Even more so for our small town.


"This is the channel 5 news, for you," anchor at desk. "Well folks, we have amazing news! After five years of wondering where oh where little Miss Kristina went, when find out. She's been in the next town over! And now she's back and running for mayor...." I zoned out, there was nothing from Mr. Storms report.

"Megan, that's your mom!" yelled Mrs. Storms.

"Are you sure?" I asked, some hoped flared inside of me. After five years of crying, my mom could possibly be coming back! And was in the news! She was going to take me back, and we'd be a happy family again! I wouldn't cry or scream like a baby, and I wouldn't ask for to much.

"Does a hurricane happen when someone named, oh I don't know, Megan Lost cries?" She replied coolly crossing her arms onto the bowl that held something that was going to be bake.

"Maybe," I giggled, remembering the past week of news.

"Well, why don't we go and find out!" She said. I nodded violently, I didn't remeber my mom, I couldn't wait to met her/

"Yes!" I said triumphantly. For the first time I could remember I could meet some one that was part of my life! Family wise any ways.

"Oh why did I say that! Now everyone will want to go." Mrs. Storms said shaking her head.

"But Mr. Storms is here! Can't he take me?" I pleaded.

"Take you where?" He asked as he walked into the room.

"Take me to meet my mommy," I said pointing to the picture of my mother that was flashing on the screen.

"I guess, I have to interview her anyway!" He said laughing. He worked for the town's paper, Brook Bend Weekly.

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