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She struggles to keep them showing,

Bubbling under the skin.

The mind snatched from hand to hand,

The man, the wife and the child.

They fight through her,

Speak to the air while the other replies.

One day she sneaks out with her boyfriend,

Then she is with her mother in bed.

They wrench for control,

Mangling the damaged levers.

The neurons convinced of their identity,

Sending messages to multiple personalities.

Possessed with black eyes that belong to the goth,

The wallet that belongs to the businessman.

The ring is for a twin,

While the other sins.

The faces have become familiar,

The orchestration of sorts.

The one woman play,

The actor's lines unplanned.

They will visit eventually,

Leaving a mark of their presence.

Oh but where,

Where is the piece that is she?

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