the untold story.

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Hi guys,I'm going to be making a weird/idk story. Idk story so be tuned!!!

Okay,so this story is about an untold story about some girl. Let's find out what happened to this so called girl and why the mystery behind her is I solved. VOTE!! :)

This man was reading and his wife asked if they had seen their daughter. He said,"honey I haven't seen her since she left at 7:30 this morning, and it's now 8:45 PM."

(The moms name is Lisa)

Lisa gets up and walks to the neighbors house. She knocks on the door 3 times. "Knock"-"knock"-"Knock!" Nobody answers.

She freaks out and looks through the living room window. Lisa didn't look at it for very long knowing that she didn't see anything at first. She glanced at it and saw something with red. She thought nothing of it.

Lisa walked to the school and filed report about her daughter not returning home...

To be continued if you want to know more please LET ME KNOW!! contact me at! Thanks! This was made on 1/2/14 at 9:00 PM

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