An Extension Of The Extended Family

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A random visit from the Emperor's Wrath doesn't please many people, but Darth Nox considered Tali Quinn, aforementioned Emperor's Wrath and one of Kitty's Zalia-Revel-Kallig-Nox many distant relatives, to be a good friend of hers. She wasn't the sort to admit to actually tolerating someone instead of planning their demise, so she had to think quite highly of Tali.

For this reason, when a grinning Tali, dragging her rather nervous looking husband Malavai, pushed past the protocol droid that had answered the door and showed herself in, Kitty merely greeted her with a similar grin, not suspecting any real reason behind the visit. In fact, she imagined they were just passing in their ship and Tali had decided to pop in for a chat about Sith business.

This, for once, was not the case. Tali Quinn had news. The idea of that in itself would worry most people, and was possibly the reason why Malavai looked so nervous, although that may be to do with the two Sith in the room. Kitty, however, didn't get worried, even when Tali plonked herself down on a sofa, pulled Malavai down beside her and declared, her grin widening creepily. "We've got some news, Kit!" In an unexpectedly delighted tone for a Sith.

Instead, the older Dark Lady raised an eyebrow, wondering which important person Tali had murdered this time. "Oh, yes. What might that be?" She asked curiously.

Tali giggled a little bashfully and Malavai looked increasingly concerned. Kitty paused expectantly, realising that this wasn't a Sith announcement, but a personal one. Otherwise, why would Malavai be involved, and so worried about it? I swear if he's hurt her...The Sith's thought process began before she cut herself off. Tali seemed happy about...Whatever it was. Perhaps it was just some crew news that she was happy about, and he didn't approve of.

In any case, she was fed up of wild guesses. "Well?" She pressed impatiently.

Tact did not come naturally to the Emperor's Wrath, and so the idea that perhaps Kitty wouldn't react well to her news, and maybe she should word it carefully had never entered into her head. She spat it straight out. "We're going to be parents!"

Lady Nox had mostly grown up without any family, and so she had grown extremely protective of the relatives she had found later in life. Especially Tali, to whom she was the closest, and who she always thought of as the shy child Tali had been when they first met. Consequentially, Tali's cheerfully presented news did not amuse her.

While Tali wasn't looking, she clenched her hands into fists, causing a small crackling as she suppressed the urge to electrocute Malavai. Her emerald eyes flashed to red and narrowed into a fierce glare, and her mouth set into a grim line. "Ah...I see. Congratulations, Tal. Now...Mr. Quinn, if you wouldn't mind stepping outside..." The Darth tried to be nice in front of Tali, but stood and gestured towards the double doors that led onto the balcony. "I think you and I need to have a little chat."

Malavai gulped but followed her, knowing better than to argue with an angry and mentally unstable Sith. Once the doors were shut, Kitty turned slowly to face him. "Do you know what this means?" The Sith asked in a dangerously calm tone of voice.

"Uh...No...?" Malavai answered, backing off slightly.

"It means you will stay with my little Tali forever and look after her and her child properly, no matter what." Kitty told him fiercely. Malavai sighed. Had Tali mentioned his betrayal at some point? He knew they were close, and he knew it had taken a very long time for Kitty to trust him in the first place.

"I intend to, my Lady." He tried to reassure her.

She just glared at him for a very, very long time. "You better mean that. Because let me make it clear, I don't like the idea that you, or anyone else, has ever touched my dear friend Tali, and it's only because she cares about you that I haven't killed you yet. But if you ever hurt her in any way at all, I will hunt you down, no matter where you go in the galaxy, and when I find you, I will rip you apart and send the pieces to your family!" The Sith started off cold and calm, but by the end of her speech, she was shouting angrily in his face as she held him by the throat against the balcony's railings.

When her mad rant was over, she dropped Malavai again, and slowly began to return to normal. By the time the Imperial Officer dared to open his eyes, the Sith was just standing over him with an unnervingly innocent grin for someone who had just threatened him with such a gory fate. "So, do we understand each other?" She asked cheerfully.

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