Tag again.. YAY!

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Just incase you think the title is sarcasm... No it isn't... I like these tags since they actually give me something to do in life ^^ so on with the tag!

Akumu-Kage taged meh ^^

1. Male, female or other? ... FEMALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nya~

2. Straight, gay, bi or other? Straight

3. Younger then 15 or older? .... Can. I pass this? No? Okay.... Well..... I am younger then 15.... And my age is...

Next question!

4. Blonde, brunette or other? Brunette ^^ he he next question~ nya!

5. Tall or short? I am about 4"11... But it really depends on what your height is ^^ so.... I can't really give an accurate answer for diss. ^^"

6. Sporty or not? Nah,
Though I do like to run, play badminton, basketball, netball, use to go to swimming classes... But no I ain't sporty... At least in my opinion ^^

7. Talkative or quiet? Depends... Here I am talkative and in real life? Well I am quiet ^^"

8. Personable or awkward? (◎_◎;) um... Idk... (^_^;) (IRL... Awkward nya~)

Okay! Now that's done..... How many people do I tag? Again? *goes and check*... 7? I guess since akumu-san did that many so.... Okay then!

shadowhunter72 (me no sorry)
Pluto8189 (hehe sozzy)
AmberEvergreen (gomen ^^")
Angel_Demon_Otaku (sowwy  mommy)
Lucifer_Music (gomen nee-sama!)
Heartsbeating101 (he he sorry angel-san  ^^")
LydiaLynn1178 (sorry lyds •_•")

Also if ya haven't following (including Akumu-Kage) these lovely people, please do... ^^  feel free to ask meh any questions, no face-reveal and me talking... Plez ^^"

Pie! Evee Out, peace~

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